After a long, drawn-out process, Canadian TV networks have won the right
to seek payment from Cable and satellite companies for the right to
carry broadcast signals. The CRTC ruled that
networks can even withhold their signals if negotiations falter. But
networks aren’t in the clear yet.

The Canadian Press reports:

“The federal
broadcast regulator says before negotiations can get going, it wants the
Federal Court of Appeal to rule on whether the new system is legally

Cable providers have warned that additional costs will
be passed onto consumers (Canadians may be familiar with the commercials
hinting that their bills could go up as much as $10 a month.)

Jones reports

“Instead of the regulator imposing a fee for carriage, broadcasters
and cable and satellite operators are being left to determine the value
of those signals.

“By establishing a regime in which market forces can function
effectively, the broadcasting system will benefit through the
recognition of the fair value of programming services,” the CRTC said.”

Read more about the fee-for-carriage issue here.