<p align="left"><em>Par Renaud Carbasse, doctorant au Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la communication, l’information et la société (CRICIS) et à l’École des médias de l’UQAM</em></p>
READ MORE<p><img align="left" alt="" class="imagecache-thumbnail inline-image" hspace="10" src="http://j-source.ca/sites/www.j-source.ca/files/imagecache/thumbnail/images/Kathy English_47.JPG" title="" /><strong>By Kathy English, public editor of the <em>Toronto Star</em></strong></p><div style="clear:none;"><p>When a newsroom’s only ethical code is “get the story at any cost,” inevitably it will pay the price in the loss of its credibility.</p>
READ MORE<p><img align="left" alt="" class="imagecache-thumbnail inline-image" hspace="10" src="http://j-source.ca/sites/www.j-source.ca/files/imagecache/thumbnail/images/Cathrin Bradbury_1.JPG" title="" /><img align="right" alt="" class="imagecache-thumbnail inline-image" hspace="10" src="http://j-source.ca/sites/www.j-source.ca/files/imagecache/thumbnail/images/Charlotte Empey_0.JPG" title="" /><em>Left: Cathrin Bradbury, Right: Charlotte Empey</em></p><p><strong>By Tamara Baluja, Associate Editor</strong></p>
READ MORE<p><strong>By Tamara Baluja, Associate Editor</strong></p><p>The Society of American Business Editors and Writers (SABEW) will launch a Canadian chapter on Sept. 30.</p>
READ MORE<p><strong><em>The following is a memo obtained by J-Source stating that Cathrin Bradbury will join Metro English Canada as its vice-president and editor-in-chief on Oct. 14.</em></strong></p>
READ MORE<p><strong>By Tamara Baluja, Associate Editor</strong></p><p>Reporter-editors Stéphanie Marin and Mélanie Marquis are swapping positions at The Canadian Press.</p><p>Marin, a parliamentary bureau reporter, will join the Montreal bureau at the end of the month, while Marquis will start in Ottawa on Sept. 8.</p>
READ MORE<p><strong><img alt="" class="imagecache-medium-right inline-image" src="http://projetj.ca/sites/www.j-source.ca/files/imagecache/medium-right/images/logo_devoir_0.png" title="" />Dans un article mis en ligne dès hier sur le site internet du quotidien et repris ce matin dans le format papier, son directeur, Bernard Descôteaux, explique que, comme nombre de groupes médiatiques ces dernières années, le Devoir devra se résoudre à une réduction de sa masse salariale.</strong></p><p><em>Par Hélène Roulot-Ganzmann</em></p>
READ MORE<p><img align="left" alt="" class="imagecache-thumbnail inline-image" hspace="10" src="http://j-source.ca/sites/www.j-source.ca/files/imagecache/thumbnail/images/Sylvia Stead_32.JPG" title="" /> <strong>By Sylvia Stead, public editor of <em>The Globe and Mail</em></strong></p>
READ MORE<p><strong>By Dan Rowe, Books Editor</strong></p>
READ MORE<p><img alt="" class="imagecache-large inline-image" src="http://j-source.ca/sites/www.j-source.ca/files/imagecache/large/images/University class_5.JPG" title="" /></p><p style="text-align: center;"><em>Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons</em></p><p><strong>By Joe Banks</strong></p><p>My students may be shocked to know we’ve posed the question in the headline, since in the asking, there is a suggestion that it doesn’t. So I will confidently and quickly answer in the affirmative before explaining: of course it matters, and it will continue to matter.</p>
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