<p><img align="left" alt="" class="imagecache-thumbnail inline-image" hspace="10" src="http://j-source.ca/sites/www.j-source.ca/files/imagecache/thumbnail/images/Patricia Graham_13.JPG" title="" /><strong>By Patricia Graham, Brunswick News Ombudswoman</strong></p><p>Covering elections brings special challenges to newsrooms. With so much at stake, parties and candidates put a lot of effort into managing the message and are acutely attuned to media coverage. Engaged readers can also be quick to point out actual or perceived imbalances in coverage.</p>
READ MORE<p><img align="left" alt="" class="imagecache-thumbnail inline-image" hspace="10" src="http://j-source.ca/sites/www.j-source.ca/files/imagecache/thumbnail/images/Esther Enkin_40.JPG" title="" /> <strong>By Esther Enkin, CBC ombudsman</strong></p><p>The complainant, Jiahao Wen, wanted CBC News online to take down a story involving him and his wife, who were charged with forging transit passes in Vancouver three years ago. The story was accurate and on the public record. CBC policy does not allow its removal.</p><p>COMPLAINT</p>
READ MORE<p><strong>Profession de plus en plus précaire, employés à qui on en demande toujours plus avec toujours moins, secteur très compétitif, redéfinition du métier lui-même, incertitude quant à l’avenir: tous les ingrédients d’un cocktail explosif sont là pour que le journaliste soit de plus en plus frappé par l’épuisement professionnel. ProjetJ s’est entretenu à ce sujet avec Caroline Goulet, conseillère en santé mentale à la Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN).</strong></p><p><em>Propos recueillis par Hélène Roulot-Ganzmann</em></p>
READ MORE<p><strong>By Sean Holman</strong></p><p>British Columbia is one of the country's biggest mineral producers. But compared to Americans, British Columbians have very little information about the safety and regulation of that activity.</p><p>And that means journalists, activists and citizens have very little power to stop mining problems before they become mining disasters.</p>
READ MORE<p><strong><img alt="" class="imagecache-medium-right inline-image" src="http://projetj.ca/sites/www.j-source.ca/files/imagecache/medium-right/images/tn-lapresseplus_0.jpg" title="" />Après les mauvaises nouvelles de la semaine dernière du côté du Devoir et de TC Media, en voilà une qui va redonner un tant soit peu le sourire à toute la profession. En cette rentrée, La Presse offre la permanence à vingt-deux surnuméraires ayant participé au développement et au rodage de sa version pour tablettes.</strong></p><p><em>Par Hélène Roulot-Ganzmann</em></p>
READ MORE<p><img align="left" alt="" class="imagecache-thumbnail inline-image" hspace="10" src="http://j-source.ca/sites/www.j-source.ca/files/imagecache/thumbnail/images/Dylan Robertson_1.PNG" title="" /><strong>By Tamara Baluja, Associate Editor</strong></p><p>Dylan Robertson has been awarded the 2015 Michelle Lang fellowship.</p>
READ MORE<p><img align="left" alt="" class="imagecache-thumbnail inline-image" hspace="10" src="http://j-source.ca/sites/www.j-source.ca/files/imagecache/thumbnail/images/Paul Woods_2.PNG" title="" /><strong>By Tamara Baluja, Associate Editor</strong></p><p>Paul Woods is joining the <em>Toronto Star</em> as executive editor.</p><p>Woods will be responsible for human resources, labour relations, financial matters, newsroom organization and liaising with IT staff, according this his <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulwoods13" target="_blank" rel="noopener">LinkedIn profile</a>.</p>
READ MORE<p><img align="left" alt="" class="imagecache-thumbnail inline-image" hspace="10" src="http://j-source.ca/sites/www.j-source.ca/files/imagecache/thumbnail/images/Jason Magder.PNG" title="" /><strong>By Tamara Baluja, Associate Editor</strong></p><p>Jason Magder is the new transportation reporter for <em>The Gazette</em>.</p><p>Magder, who previously covered the tech beat for <em>The Gazette</em>, in Montreal, will take over from Andy Riga.</p>
READ MORE<p><img align="left" alt="" class="imagecache-thumbnail inline-image" hspace="10" src="http://j-source.ca/sites/www.j-source.ca/files/imagecache/thumbnail/images/Stephanie Nolen.PNG" title="" /><strong>By Tamara Baluja, Associate Editor</strong></p><p>Stephanie Nolen has won a prestigious foreign reporting award for her reporting in India.</p>
READ MORE<p><img align="left" alt="" class="imagecache-thumbnail inline-image" hspace="10" src="http://j-source.ca/sites/www.j-source.ca/files/imagecache/thumbnail/images/Liam Nixon_0.JPG" title="" /><strong>By Tamara Baluja, Associate Editor</strong></p><p>Liam Nixon has been named the new anchor and newsroom manager of Global Lethbridge.</p><p>He starts on Sept. 8 and will take over from Cheryl Oates, who left to pursue a career in communications.</p>
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