Canadian Newsperson of the Year 2008

Who was the most prominent personality of the Canadian journalism world in 2008? Who made a difference in the Canadian news landscape? What voice, action, story, deal or mistake had a lasting effect (good or bad) on the industry or on the country? In short, who do you think is the Canadian Newsperson of the Year?

Other organizations out there will name newsmakers of the year (might Obama win a few of those in the U.S.?), but here at J-Source we’re looking at those who report the news rather than those who are in the news.

We’re asking J-Source readers to look back at 2008 and nominate journalists from all parts of Canada and from all areas of journalism.

Does Steve Murphy make the list? What about Sarah Fulford? Or Heather Mallick?

Who do you think should be in the running? Why?

Send us an email with your nominations and check back to vote for the “Canadian Newsperson of the Year 2008.”