The CBC, Toronto Star, Vancouver Sun and National Film Board of Canada have all been nominated in the 2010 Online Publishing Awards, hosted by the Online News Association in partnership with the School of Communication at the University of Miami.

The winners will be announced on Saturday, Oct. 30 at the Marriott Renaissance in Washington, D.C.

The Canadian finalists are:

Online Topical Reporting/Blogging, Medium Site

CBC News: Inside Politics Blog

Gannett Foundation Award for Innovative Investigative Journalism, Small Site
Vancouver Sun: Vanishing Point: A five-part investigative series

Online Video Journalism, Large Site

The Toronto Star: William and the Windmill

Multimedia Feature Presentation, Small Site

National Film Board of Canada: This Land

General Excellence in Online Journalism, Non-English, Small Site

Breaking News, Large Site

The full list of finalists can be read here.