The Canadian Farm Writers Federation has released the results of its annual competition. Long time Winnipeg Free Press regional reporter Bill Redekop won the top press feature award. Top winners of daily, weekly and monthly press reporting were, respectively: Mia Rabson, Winnipeg Free Press, Mary MacArthur, Western Producer and Mary Baxter, Better Farming magazine. Ontario Farmer editor Peter Reschke took gold for press column and freelance writer Ray Ford took gold for technical feature.
The Canadian Farm Writers Federation has released the results of its annual competition. Long time Winnipeg Free Press regional reporter Bill Redekop won the top press feature award. Top winners of daily, weekly and monthly press reporting were, respectively: Mia Rabson, Winnipeg Free Press, Mary MacArthur, Western Producer and Mary Baxter, Better Farming magazine. Ontario Farmer editor Peter Reschke took gold for press column and freelance writer Ray Ford took gold for technical feature.
Reporters with the Winnipeg Free Press and Ontario Farmer took home the most awards, each with five, while Western Producer reporters garnered four.
According to its news release, CFWF represents 350 English speaking agricultural journalists, broadcasters and communicators from across Canada. The awards were presented Saturday during the organization's annual conference, this year held in Winnipeg.
Here's a full list of winners, with links to their work:
Television News Reporting The Jack McPherson Award
Sponsor: Dairy Farmers of Canada
Gold: Rachel Kehrig Saskatchewan Pulse Growers Michael Smith visits a lentil farm
Silver: Joey Sabljic University of Guelph, Spark Higher oil soybeans, a bigger bottom line
Bronze: Natalie Osborne University of Guelph, Spark Sugar particles from corn
Radio News Reporting The Tom Leach Award
Sponsor: Bayer CropScience Inc.
Gold: Alice McFarlane Flea beetles threaten canola
*Silver and bronze were not awarded
News Release The Alice Switzer Award
Sponsor: Farm Business Communications
Gold: Karli Reimer Ducks Unlimited Canada A bin full of reasons to grow winter wheat
Silver: Lilian Schaer Apple and tender fruit growers appreciate support in wake of widespread crop damage
Bronze: Tracey Feist Environmental contest winners implement plan
General Periodical The Felix Schmaltz Award
Sponsor: AdFarm
Gold: Owen Roberts University of Guelph Agrifood yearbook 2011-2012
Silver: Amanda Ryan Saskatchewan Pulse Growers Annual Report
Bronze: Kevin Hursh Farm Credit Canada AgriSuccess
Technical Feature The Peter Lewington Award
Sponsor: CanWEA
Gold: Ray Ford Ontario Farmer Fly Guy hunts with truck-mounted butterfly net
Silver: John Greig Ontario Farmer Post cervical insemination could cut AI boar numbers in half
Bronze: Tamara Leigh Lean manufacturing offers competitive edge
Press Column The Frank Jacobs Award
Sponsor: MANA Crop Protection
Gold: Peter Reschke No-win situation for the province
Silver: Ray Ford Great forage, good for the soil.
Bronze: Kevin Hursh The Western Producer AgriInvest may be short-lived in boom times
Press Editorial The O.R. Evans Award
Sponsor: Richardson
Gold: Sheri Monk Alberta Farm Express Defending America in a cow-eat-cow world
Silver: Tom Henry Small Farm Canada What it means to be a farmer
Bronze: Gord Gilmour I feed myself
Press Feature The Dick Beamish Award
Sponsor: Monsanto Canada
Gold: Bill Redekop Winnipeg Free Press The man who killed the family farm
Silver: Anne Lazurko Who is the Canadian farmer?
Silver: Lorne McClinton Distribution central
Bronze: Kevin Hursh Market freedom
Monthly Press Reporting The Jack Cram Award
Sponsor: Canadian Seed Growers' Association
Gold: Mary Baxter Better Farming Do crown patents protect you against government incursions on your property rights?
Silver: Steve Biggs Their success is no secret
Bronze: Maggie Van Camp Risk, Reward
Weekly Press Reporting The Q.H. Martinson Award
Sponsor: Ontario Farmer Publications
Gold: Mary MacArthur The Western Producer New pioneers clear the way
Silver: Barb Glen The Western Producer Grizzlies a growing concern for ranchers
Bronze: Karen Dallimore Opposition points to economic fallout
Daily Press Reporting The C.B. Fairbairn Award
Sponsor: Western Producer
Gold: Mia Rabson Winnipeg Free Press Pivotal vote on wheat board
Silver: Larry Kusch Winnipeg Free Press Feds wrest control of Prairie agency
Bronze: Murray McNeill Winnipeg Free Press CWB a more flexible version of an old model
World Wide Website The Henry Heald Award
Sponsor: Quarry Integrated Communications
Gold: Shaun Haney RealAgriculture Real
Silver: Tracey Shelton Richardson
Bronze: Allison Finnamore Farm Credit Canada FCC Express
Feature Photograph The Don Baron Award
Sponsor: George Morris Centre
Gold: Glenn Lowson The Grower Pressures on water are rising
Silver: William DeKay The Western Producer Family takes a leap
Bronze: Joe Bryksa Winnipeg Free Press Sand bag
News Photograph The John Phillips Award
Sponsor: Better Farming
Gold: William DeKay The Western Producer Mud wrestlers
Silver: Joe Bryksa Winnipeg Free Press Long day
Bronze: Sharon Grose Ontario Farmer Strawberries
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