With the Innovate News
conference, hosted by The Canadian Association of Journalists and the
CAJ Education Foundation, right around the corner, now might be a good
time to get up to speed on all of the new developments in the world of
new media, especially since things tend to change and develop at
break-neck speed.

The Business of News | Future of Journalism | Hyperlocal News | New Media Traditional Media | Worth Checking Out

The Business of News

8 new media business trends for 2010
Vadim Lavrusik shows that it’s not necessarily impossible to monetize the internet, listing eight new business trends that we can expect to see in the coming year, including the growth of the hyperlocal model and the so-called “freemium” model.

Sources of subsidy in the production of news: a list
Quote and Comment
Jay Rosen lists known sources of subsidy for news production, including things from the government to rich egoists.

Saving the news with the Information Valet?
Editors Weblog
Bill Densmore is working on developing the Information Valet Project, an effort that hopes to solve the question of how to charge for online content.

The Fifth Column: The incredible shrinking news business
Loudoun Independent
A look at the Loudoun County news market.

Will newspaper readers be prepared to pay for quality content online?
Editors Weblog
Are people willing to pay for online content? Previously, the answer was generally a solid “not a chance,” but it seems increasingly likely that charging for online news might become more common in the near future.

Future of Journalism

10 hopeful thoughts about the future of journalism
Poynter Online
Ten reasons from David Beard not to focus on the “doom and gloom” news about the journalism industry.

An online journalist’s 10 resolutions for 2010
Online Journalism Review
Robert Niles lists ten things fledgling online journalists can do to keep their careers alive. Not surprisingly, not one of his tips has anything to do with writing or reporting.

The year in newspapers: Top trends of 2009
Editors Weblog
Emma Heald lists some of the trends of 2009, and why we should be hopeful for the future of journalism.

The Citizen Manifesto

The Citizen
Newspapers are dead. Journalism is not.

Clay Shirky: Let a thousand flowers bloom to replace newspapers; don’t build a paywall around a public good
Nieman Journalism Lab
Clay Shirky, American new media expert, discusses the future of accountability journalism. (Includes a video.)

Mainstream media miss the point of participatory journalism
Journalists across the globe are struggling to maintain their role as gatekeepers, when they should be embracing a transparent journalistic process.

Faltering news media spell trouble for U.S.
The Washington Post
Dan Rather calls on Obama to address the state of America’s news media.

Thought of the day: Beatblogs as mini newspapers

Since many reporters are now blogging anyway, why not create a network of mini beats?

New Competencies: What new capabilities are needed to succeed?
The Media Consortium
An excerpt from The Big Thaw, a guide to the evolution of independent media.

Summit takes hard look at future of journalism

San Francisco Chronicle
The news industry must make sure that it can give readers the content they want in the manner that they want in order to ensure “bright future,” say panelists at the UC Berkeley Media Technology Summit, held last September.


News Innovation
In order to succeed and survive, news organizations must seek to reach and engage with as many people as possible.

Hyperlocal News

5 recent big moves in hyperlocal news
Here’s a roundup of recent developments in the new trend towards hyperlocal news coverage.

Is social enterprise the future of local media?

Philip John argues that, in order to save journalism, the industry should focus on funding local media through grants and subsidies, rather than struggle to protect traditional media’s “massive profit margins.”

Gordon Borrell interviews Jeff Jarvis – Hyperlocal news and business models
End of Business as Usual
BuzzMachine’s Jeff Jarvis offers insight into the problems that come from attempting to shift to a hyperlocal news model. (Includes a video.)

Hyperlocal news sites worth following
Christopher Wink
Wink lists 38 local news sites that he says are worth your time.

Going hyperlocal through community services in India: The Siasat Daily

Editors Weblog
A profile of a new media-savvy newspaper in India.

FAQ: How can news organizations compete at a hyperlocal level? (and other questions from AOP)
Online Journalism Blog
Paul Bradshaw answers some questions about hyperlocal media.

Why ESPN keeps growing while most everything else is calling apart
Mark Coddington
A look at why ESPN has been so successful in its efforts to provide local sports coverage.

Hyperlocal sites downplayed by MPs and mainstream – sign of progress?
Editors’ Blog, Journalism.co.uk
Hyperlocal media will have to prove itself in 2010 in order for the powers that be to take notice.

“Local” the new “Social”?
Editors Weblog
Nestor Bailly discusses whether the new shift towards hyperlocal news has to do with the extreme popularity of social networking sites and the new prevalence of smartphones.

The Hyperlocal Revolution: Gannet director Ted Mann gives WPMU.org the full scoop on the future of journalism
A Q&A with Ted Mann, digital development director for Gannett NJ.

A brief history of hyperlocal news
Keith Hopper
Hopper offers a critical and informative history of the hyperlocal news movement.

Journalism students launch hyperlocal news site

Hold the Front Page
J-schoolers at Birmingham City University set up a hyperlocal news site.

Hyperlocal Boston

Jeff Jarvis suggests that Boston should be converted to a hub of hyperlocal news.

“Hyperlocal” websites deliver news without newspaper
The New York Times
The Times offers a great examination of the hyperlocal news movement (Note: this piece was published nearly a year ago, but it provides a nice rundown).

Hyperlocal more than a slogan to Fisher
A profile of Fisher Communications, a decade-old media company that owns and operates a couple dozen TV and radio stations and, last year, used its Seattle platform to launch 44 neighborhood blogs.

Neighborhood news blogging scene is thriving in Seattle

Citizen Times
One of the most vibrant local news scenes in the United States, Seattle is teeming with more than 40 independent news sites and as many big-media players.

Guardian Local planned to launch next year
PDA: The Digital Content Blog, The Guardian
This British paper is planning to launch local news hubs, starting with Leeds, Cardiff and Edinburgh.

Reviving local news

Inside Higher Ed
UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism teams up with public broadcaster KQED

Demystifying advertising in hyperlocal news communities
Michelle Ferrier
Two hyperlocal players discuss their ad strategies.

The University of Montana’s online Rural News Network sustains community ties as newspapers close
Online Journalism Review
Journalism professor has his students travel to small towns that lack a local paper and start up local news websites with community members.

Hyperlocal community news: A case study of myHeimat
An interactive presentation on the German citizen journalism project.

Can anyone actually tap the $100 billion potential of hyperlocal news?
Fast Company
Hyperlocal news is everywhere, and growing fast, but how can we make good money off of it?

Blazing a trail to hyperlocal profits

Newspaper Death Watch
GrowthSpur, a new startup, hopes to finally monetize hyperlocal news.

Washington Post’s LoudonExtra.com “experiment” is over
Loudon Scene
The Post’s experiment with hyperlocal journalism didn’t turn out as well as the Post might have hoped.

Titus touts community engagement as “key to digital media”
France 24
A Q&A with Richard Titus, chief executive of Associated Northcliffe Digital

New Media

AP names manager of social networks and news engagement
American news agency Associated Press is making an effort to become more engaged in the social media world.

Doing journalism in 2010 is an act of community organizing
Online Journalism Review
Robert Niles discusses the difficulty in making the switch from a newsroom reporter to an online journalist.

Living Stories: NYT and Google produce jaw-dropping online journalism form

Online Journalism Blog
Traditional media outlets, like The New York Times, are beginning to acclimatize themselves to the new media world.

Examining journalistic change in the digital era

Nieman Reports
The Nieman Foundation plans to launch an online resource that will aggregate important information about journalistic practices and developments.

The model of the new media model

A discussion (and video) with Leo Laporte, creator of This Week in Tech. (Note: the video begins playing automatically once the window is opened.)

Networked News: Web media gears up for growth
Santa Fe Reporter
Despite dying newspapers and constant layoffs, New Mexico’s online and non-profit media are actually doing well—and growing!

Online strength heralds future growth
Even though everyone’s talking about the death of the newspaper, North Jersey Media Group, which publishes The Record and Herald News, has been doing quite well, in part because they are smartly taking advantage of the web.

Exciting times for a 14-year-old journalist

The Huffington Post
Scott Campbell talks about the future of online media.

Twitter as a system of ambient journalism
An interactive presentation on ambient journalism.

Traditional Media

Study finds that papers lead in providing new information

The New York Times
A great majority of original news reporting is still coming from traditional media—specifically, print newspaper—according to a study conducted by the Project for Excellence in Journalism.

Paper Hangers: Newspapers aren’t doing as badly as you think

Newspapers may be on the way out, but they’re not gone yet, so there’s little use giving in to the doomsayers.

Less rhetoric, more critical thinking about “The Reconstruction of American Journalism”
Online Journalism Review
Tom Grubisich discusses a recent report sponsored by the Columbia Journalism School.

Worth Checking Out

Wicked Local
A website that provides local content for cities and towns across Massachusetts

Internet Community Text Analyzer
A web-based system for automated text analysis and discovery of social networks from electronic communication such as emails, forums, blogs and chats.

The Rapidian
Local news in Grand Rapids, MI.