27 Apr

Josie Fomé – 2021

17 Sep

Un site temporaire pour ProjetJ

16 Sep

Cotes d’écoute de l’information télé: l’hécatombe

<p><strong>L’écoute de l’information à la télévision québécoise est en chute libre. On en avait l’intuition depuis quelques années, mais une compilation des données diffusées par Numeris (nouveau nom de BBM) fournit un portrait plus clair de ce recul.</strong></p><p><em>Par Jean-Hugues Roy, Professeur de journalisme à l’École des médias de Uqàm - <a href="">@jeanhuguesroy</a></em></p>

16 Sep

J-Source has a new temporary website

<p><strong>By Tamara Baluja, Associate Editor</strong></p><p>Due to server issues, J-Source has been difficult to access lately. We’re working to resolve this technical issue and apologize for any inconvenience.</p><p>In the meantime, you can find our breaking news and feature stories on our temporary backup website, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">available here</a>. </p><p>Thanks for your patience. </p>

15 Sep

Avenir des médias: les 5 prophéties de Gerd Leonhard

<p><strong><a href=""><img alt="" class="imagecache-medium-left inline-image" src="" title="" /></a>Le futurologue Gerd Leonhard, fondateur de the Futures Agency à Zurich en Suisse, était de passage à Montréal jeudi, à l’occasion des RDV_Média organisés par Infopresse.

15 Sep

«S’ils travaillaient à Radio-Canada, Denys Arcand prendrait la place de Xavier Dolan»

<p> </p><p><em>Par ICI précaires, collectif d’employés de Radio-Canada qui regroupe 120 membres</em></p><p>Je pars sans faire de bruit. Vous ne me verrez plus, ne m'entendrez plus, ne me lirez plus. Je suis journaliste, caméraman, monteur, assistant, rédacteur, réalisateur…</p>

14 Sep

Journalists protecting sources: When Don Martin willingly gave up his anonymous source

<p><strong>By Thomas Rose, Law Editor </strong></p><p>The value and credibility of modern journalism rests primarily on the belief that it exists to serve the public good. There is perhaps no greater demonstration of that principle than a reporter who is willing to suffer the consequences of not revealing a source who provides information the public should know about.</p>

12 Sep

Memo: Anne Marie Owens announces leadership team at National Post

<p><em>This memo from editor-in-chief Anne Marie Owens announces her leadership team at the National Post.</em></p><p>I’m thrilled to announce my new leadership team.</p>

12 Sep

Globe public editor: More effort needed to run photos of women

<p><img align="left" alt="" class="imagecache-thumbnail inline-image" hspace="10" src="" title="" /><strong>By Sylvia Stead, public editor of <em>The Globe and Mail</em></strong></p><p>A reader from London, Ont., wrote this week to say she was annoyed with the weekend photo essay on the Toronto International Film Festival that featured eight photos: four centred on male stars, two fan photos and two showing the shoes of women stars.</p>

12 Sep

CBC ombudsman: On matters of controversy represent both sides whenever possible

<p><img align="left" alt="" class="imagecache-thumbnail inline-image" hspace="10" src=" Enkin_42.JPG" title="" /> <strong>By Esther Enkin, CBC ombudsman</strong></p>