26 Jun

Cars swept away, newsroom evacuated — how Calgary newsrooms dealt with the worst flood in Alberta’s history

<p dir="ltr"><em><span id="docs-internal-guid-143ccfd7-857d-f901-955b-2507a4a5648f">Three journalists from the Calgary Herald watched their cars get swept away by floodwaters while reporting on the scene. The entire CBC Calgary newsroom was evacuated and found a temporary home elsewhere so that broadcasts could continue. Those are just a couple of examples of what news organizations and their journalists went through to cover the worst flood in Alberta’s history. </span></em></p>

26 Jun

What Canadian media is missing about climate change

<p><em>The following discussion is about a presentation on newspaper coverage of climate change. The presentation was held at Congress, Canada's national humanities and social sciences conference. </em></p><p> </p><p><strong>By April van Ert for <a href="">UBC ArtsWIRE</a></strong></p><p>Are national newspapers giving Canadians the information they need to make informed decisions about climate change?</p>

19 Jun

OPINION: How the Canadian media missed the real Northern Gateway story

<p><strong>By Robin Rowland</strong></p><p>Have you ever heard of Hunter Creek, B.C.?</p><p>The fact that 99.9 per cent of Canadian journalists haven’t heard of Hunter Creek is a problem.More specifically, the reporters, energy writers, business columnists and political analysts covering the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline and tanker controversy have never heard of Hunter Creek, means that they have missed the entire story.</p>

25 Jun

New project tracks reports released by government

An online project for journalists that tracks and links to government and NGO reports in Canada, which launched in April, now has more than 170 entries. Reports Canada, a blog […]

2 Mar

CNW launches Greenwire

Commercial news distribution network CNW Group has launched Greenwire, a categorized feed for environmental or green news. A new Greenwire button has been added to the main CNW site, which […]

13 Aug

Climate change beat guide

This guide to “information and disinformation” prepared by the Society of Environmental Journalists helps reporters navigate the issue. It includes links to backgrounders and various organizations who both support and […]

3 Jul

IRE’s Beat Source Guide

Created by Investigative Reporters and Editors, Inc. This site provides access to reporter contacts, links, and resources searchable by beat.

8 Feb

Statistics Canada

Statistics Canada creates and releases statistics that can help people to a better understanding of Canada and its population, resources, economy and culture. The site has information about the census, […]

8 Jan

Environment pathfinder

EDUCATION Canada’s Aquatic Environments A well-organized, user-friendly site offering general information on all aspects of Canada’s aquatic environments. Intended for use in the classroom but useful for journalists seeking backgrounders […]