Long-time Globe and Mail public
health reporter André Picard has won the Hyman Solomon Award, which
recognizes “a journalist whose work provides insights
into the policy-making process in Canada, and explains to Canadians how
changes in public policy affect their individual well-being and
collective economic progress.”

The award is presented by Canadian think tank The Public Policy Forum.

Picard, who has worked for the Globe since 1987, has written newspaper
reports and best-selling books on issues like nursing, tainted blood and
charities, and, more recently, Canada’ dementia crisis and the
controversial “liberation therapy” for MS patients, the Globe
reports. “His journalism is helping to lead Canadians and their
governments towards much needed health-care innovation,” said Public
Policy Forum president David Mitchell.

Last year’s award winner was Bernard Derome, former host of Radio Canada’s Le Téléjournal.