Studies In Media & Information Literacy Education (SIMILE) provides a venue for scholarly articles that bridge the subject areas of media and information literacy. SIMILE is interested in publishing research that advances knowledge about media and information literacy. At the same time, the journal seeks studies directed at a readership in the fields of information/media studies, library science, and education. SIMILE will also examine ways in which reference and teacher-librarians, teachers, and other concerned professionals can integrate media literacy concepts into instructional sessions. As librarians and information professionals assume new roles and responsibilities, the type of instruction that these individuals have typically provided should be expanded to include the “politics of information.” Reference librarianship, for example, has evolved into the area of classroom-based teaching that stresses how to use information resources for a wide variety of user groups. Media literacy, therefore, refers to the ability to recognize and analyze the political, economic, and cultural factors which influence all facets of the information presented through media sources.

SIMILE is a peer-reviewed journal that uses a double-blind refereeing process. Manuscripts are first reviewed by the editors. If deemed suitable following this initial review, they are then sent to two individuals on our editorial board or to other appropriate scholars as selected by the editors. SIMILE aims to explore the ways in which social and cultural environments impact media production and the methods that could be used to teach the skills needed to “read” these environments. It will also strive to provide multiple perspectives arising from the diverse cultural contexts which form the basis of global media literacy issues. SIMILE will be of interest to a wide range of readers and researchers interested in tracking mass media trends. Articles in SIMILE should concentrate on innovative ways to impart the importance of media awareness and literacy to students and the general public.

While mass media delivery methods and mechanisms are constantly evolving, SIMILE is interested in the content and the content-providers of mass media. Insofar as traditional media and new media “no longer exist in mutually exclusive spheres,” articles in SIMILE will examine the content of newspapers and magazines, radio, television, films, videos, computer games, online databases, and web sources of all types, whether specialized sites, vertical portals or general-purpose portals. The images, graphics, sounds, and hyperlinks that constitute the editorial and advertising content of all print and electronic media are also subjects that will be discussed in SIMILE. In tandem with the convergence of traditional and new media, the definition of mass media as either a form of information or of entertainment can no longer be applied. SIMILE thus recognizes the importance of examining the nexus of education, information and entertainment in various media formats.

Online Availability

To search SIMILE articles, Volume 1, Number 1, to Volume 6, Number 2 or on UTPJOURNALS online, or on Advanced Search, above. Enter SIMILE in the box, check off the box beside Journal, and click search. This will find all the SIMILE articles in the database. If you want to search for a particular author, enter the author’s name in the search box and check the box beside Author. This search will find you all the articles published by that particular author. You can also search the Article Title, the Article Description, Journal Publisher, and Topic. Printable downloads are available.



Jeremy H. Lipschultz
School of Communication
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Arts & Sciences Hall,
107-POmaha, Nebraska 68182-0112E-mail:

Michael L. Hilt
School of Communication
University of Nebraska at OmahaArts & Sciences Hall, 107-POmaha, Nebraska 68182-0112E-mail: