We should be teaching our children how to understand news spin and "infortainment", writes Geoff Johnson in an article for The Victoria Times Colonist. Media analysis courses should be added to high school social studies lessons, giving kids the "opportunity to watch and discuss the same news story as reported from several different points of view, even from U.S. and Canadian perspectives," he writes.

We should be teaching our children how to understand news spin and "infortainment", writes Geoff Johnson in an article for The Victoria Times Colonist. Media analysis courses should be added to high school social studies lessons, giving kids the "opportunity to watch and discuss the same news story as reported from several different points of view, even from U.S. and Canadian perspectives," he writes.

"There is no end of fresh daily curricular material based on comparing actual news events and stories with the unabashed gyrations from the left and right. 'How would you write this story as Glenn Beck? As Ted Koppel? As Lloyd Robertson?'

"Our kids could be learning that they have a right to require media, including TV news and commentary, to be socially constructive and responsible."