After released its recent who-to-follow list for journalism students, Mary McGuire and Belinda Alzner compiled this starter list — now bolstered by your suggestions — of Canadian Twitter accounts for you to follow that includes, but is not limited to, journalism groups, resources, jobs, news, educators, emerging trends in media and technology and up-to-the-minute reporting on a number of beats.&n

After released its recent who-to-follow list for journalism students, Mary McGuire and Belinda Alzner compiled this starter list — now bolstered by your suggestions — of Canadian Twitter accounts for you to follow that includes, but is not limited to, journalism groups, resources, jobs, news, educators, emerging trends in media and technology and up-to-the-minute reporting on a number of beats. 

Notes of clarification can be found at the bottom of the list.

Because we’ve received such a flood of suggestions to add to the list, you can find a whole slew of new additions in the comment section below. Please continue to add your Twitter must-follows there.



Journalism organizations in Canada:

Canadian Association of Journalists @CdnAssocJourn

Canadian Association of Journalists Toronto Chapter @TorontoCAJ

President of the Canadian Association of Journalists, Hugo Rodrigues: @EXPHugo

Canadian Journalism Forum on Violence and Trauma @journalismforum

The Canadian Journalism Foundation @cjffjc

Canadian Journalists for Free Expression @CanadaCJFE

Canadian University Press @CanUniPress (as suggested by William Wolfe-Wylie)

Journalists for Human Rights @jhrnews

Newspapers Canada @NewspaperCanada

Professional Writers Association of Canada, Toronto Chapter @PWACToronto


Public Editors and Ombudsman

Kathy English, Toronto Star @kathyenglish

Kirk Lapointe, CBC @kirklapointe

Sylvia Stead, The Globe and Mail @SylviaStead


The j-schools:

Ryerson University @RyersonJourn

Carleton University @jschool_CU

Concordia University @journalismCU

University of King's College @kingsjournalism

University of British Columbia @UBCjournalism

Western University @WesternMAJ


Canadian journalism educators who tweet actively about journalism issues

Tim Currie @tscurrie

Lisa Lynch @lisallynch

Bruce Gillespie @bgillesp

Tim Falconer @timfalconer

Mark Hamilton @gmarkham

Alfred Hermida @Hermida

Wayne MacPhail @wmacphail

Jeffrey Dvorkin @jdvorkin

Tony Burman @TonyBurman

Chad Skelton @ChadSkelton

Melanie Coulson @mel_coulson

Paul Adams @padams29

Ivor Shapiro @ivorshap

Chris Waddell @cwaddell27


J-Source editors (who are, for the most part, journalism educators)

Editor-in-chief Janice Neil @JaniceJourno

Associate editor Belinda Alzner @BelindaAlzner


Editor-at-large Paul Benedetti @pbenedetti

Ask a Mentor editor Robert Cribb @thecribby

Book Reviews editor David Spencer @DavidSpencerUWO

Education editor Mary McGuire @mmmcgu

Field Notes editor Nicole Blanchett Neheli @NicoleBlanchett

Ideas editor David McKie @mckiedavid

Innovation editor Robert Washburn @rwash

Students’ Lounge editor Eric Mark Do @EricMarkDo

Business of Journalism editor Kelly Toughill @ktoughill

Investigative journalism editor Cecil Rosner @rosnerc


Related J-Source accounts: @jsourceinnovate


Publications with media focus:

J-Source @jsource

ProjetJ (en Francais) @ProjetJ

Ryerson Review @RyersonReview

The Tyee @thetyee



Eric Alper, media blogger who posts Canadian jobs @thatericalper

Jeff Gaulin, founder of the journalism job board @gaulinmedia

Masthead Magazine @Mastheadmag

National Magazine Awards @NatMagAwards

D.B. Scott’s Canadian Magazines blog @Canadianmags*

Storyboard, online community of Canadian Media Guild and Canadian Writers Group @Storyboard_ca


High-profile Canadian journalists

Michael Cooke @TorStarEditor

Dawna Freisen @DFriesenGlobal

Lisa Laflamme @LisaLaflammeCTV  

Peter Mansbridge @petermansbridge

Kevin Newman @KevinNewmanCTV

Steve Paikin @spaikin


Media reporters/commentators:

Steve Faguy @fagstein

Simon Houpt @simonhoupt

Steve Ladurantaye @sladurantaye

Norman Spector @nspector4

Jamie Sturgeon @jasturgeon


Beat tweeters:

Bruce Arthur @bruce_arthur

Sidhartha Banerjee @sidhartha_b (as suggested by Corinne Smith)

Monique Beech @moniquebeech

Chris Boutet @chrisboutet

Patrick Cain @pcaintoronto (as suggested by Sarah Millar)

Alan Carter @ACarterglobal (as suggested by Patrick Cain)

Will Connors @wconnors

Andrew Coyne @acoyne

Brodie Fenlon @brodiefenlon

Kim Fox @kimfox (as suggested by Sarah Millar)

Sean Fitzgerald @SeanFitz_Gerald

Marcus Gee @marcusbgee

Michael Geist @mgeist

Linda Gyulai @CityHallReport (as suggested by Allison Hanes)

Chris Hannay @channay

Graeme Hamilton @grayhamilton (as suggested by Allison Hanes)

Andrea Houston @dreahouston

Mathew Ingram @mathewi

Ed Keenan @thekeenanwire (as suggested by Patrick Cain)

Carolyn King @carolynking1 (as suggested by David George-Cosh)

Arshy Mann @arshymann

Don Macpherson @macphersonGaz (as suggested by Allison Hanes)

Stephen Maher @stphnmaher

Glen McGregor @glen_mcgregor

James Mennie @jamesmennie

James Mirtle @mirtle (as suggested by Chris Hannay)

Monique Muise @monique_muise

Marissa Nelson @marissanelson

Stephanie Nolen @snolen

J. Kelly Nestruck @nestruck (as suggested by Steve Fisher)

Ron Nurwisah @boyreporter

Alex Panetta @alex_panetta

Les Perreaux @perreaux (as suggested by Corinne Smith)

Andre Picard @picardonhealth

Jacques Poitras @poitrasCBC

Sarah Nicole Prickett @snpsnpsnp (as suggested by Steve Fisher)

Andy Riga @andyriga (as suggested by Allison Hanes)

Selena Ross @seleross

Craig Saila @saila

Michelle Shephard @shephardm

Craig Silverman @CraigSilverman

David Skok @dskok

Doug Smith @SmithRaps (as suggested by Sarah Millar)

Joanna Smith @smithjoanna

Glenn Sumi @glennsumi (as suggested by Steve Fisher)

Stuart Thompson @stuartathompson (as suggested by Kaleigh Rogers)

David Topping @dtopping (as suggested by Sarah Millar)

Ivor Tossell @ivortossell

Paul Vieira @paulvieira (as suggested by David George-Cosh)

William Wolfe-Wylie @wolfewylie

Leslie Young @LeslieYoung (as suggested by Patrick Cain)


Also: A more complete list of Canadian health journalists, provided by André Picard; A list of National Post reporters and editors, provided by Jeremy Barker; a list of Toronto Star journalists provided by Shauna Rempel; a list of Georgia Straight Twitter accounts pointed out by Stephen Hui.


Primarily Francophone tweeters (added in update at 5 p.m. thanks to your Twitter suggestions)

Nathalie Collard @NathalieCollard

Annie Dufour @anniedufourTVA

Raymond Filion @filionray

Karine Gagnon @karinegagnon

Stephane Giroux @SGirouxCTV

Michel Hébert @hebert_mic

Jean Lapierre @Jean_Lapierre

Richard Latandresse @RichLatandresse

Alain Laforest @AlainLaforest

Patrick Lagacé @kick1972

Geneviève Lajoie @genelajoie

Vincent Larouche @VinceLarouche

Jean-Luc Lavallée @jeanluclavallee

Daniel Leblanc @danlebla

Guy A Lepage @guyalepage

Kathleen Lévesque @KatLevesque

Julie Marcoux @JulieMarcouxTVA

Andrew McIntosh @AndrewQMI

Taïeb Moalla @moalla_jdeq

Genevieve Paradis @GenPara

Marc Pigeon @PigeonMarc

Robert Plouffe @RobertPlouffe

Isabelle Richer @IsabelleRicher


Also: David Akin's complete list of bilingual TVA/QMI/Sun journos; a list of Radio-Canada reporters, pointed out by Bahador Zabihiyan

For J-Source readers looking for more French content, our sister site, ProjetJ, will be following up with a more comprehensive list of French-language Twitter accounts. We will link to it here when it’s complete.


Journalists who tweet about federal politics

Elly Alboim @ealboim

David Akin @davidakin

Jorge Barrera @JorgeBarrera

Chris Cobb @chriscobb

Susan Delacourt @susandelacourt

Jennifer Ditchburn @jenditchburn

Dan Gardner @dgardner

Allan Gregg @allangregg

Chantal Hebert @ChantalHbert (as suggested by many on Twitter)

Kady O’Malley @kady

Andrew Potter @jandrewpotter

Althia Raj @althiaraj

Evan Solomon @evansolomoncbc

Paul Wells @InklessPW

Also: A more complete list of Parliament Hill tweeters, as compiled by David Akin


Journalists and organizations from outside Canada worth following:

10,000 Words, blog on digital journalism @10000Words

Emily Bell @emilybell (as suggested by Patrick Cain)

Steve Buttry, digital transformation editor, Digital First Media @stevebuttry

David Carr, media columnist, New York Times @carr2n

Andy Carvin, social-media strategist at NPR @acarvin

Columbia Journalism Review @CJR

Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)@pressfreedom

Fake AP Stylebook @FakeAPStylebook

Liz Heron, director of social media and engagement at the Wall Street Journal @lheron

Jeff Jarvis, journalism commentator and professor @jeffjarvis @journalismnews

John Keefe @jkeefe (as suggested by Patrick Cain)

Knight Foundation @knightfdn

Mindy McAdams, online journalism professor and Journalist’s Toolkit, Teaching Online Journalism author @macloo

Michelle Minkoff @michelleminkoff (as suggested by Patrick Cain)

The Nieman Lab of Journalism at Harvard University @NiemanLab

PBS MediaShift @PBSMediaShift

The Poynter Institute for Journalism @Poynter

Simon Rogers @smfrogers (as suggested by Patrick Cain)

Jim Romenesko, media writer @Romenesko

Jay Rosen, professor of journalism at New York University @jayrosen_nyu

Clay Shirky, New York educator and author of works about online technologies @cshirky

Sree Sreenivasan @sree (as suggested by Julia Pyper and Monique Beech)

Brian Stelter, media reporter, New York Times @brianstelter

Margaret Sullivan, public editor, New York Times @Sulliview


As well, one more shout-out to, who compiled the original list that inspired us to create our own. 

To note: A few weeks ago we reached out, asking for your Twitter must-follows, and received just one response. With any list such as this, omissions are inevitable. Please help us make this a living resource by letting us know who journalism students should be following in the comments below.



Update Wed Oct 10 5:00 p.m.

We apologize for the initial omission of Francophone journalists and have updated the list below with a number of suggestions that were given to us on Twitter. The list was meant as a starting point for students studying journalism who might be new to Twitter, and everyone who took part in the conversation today has helped to make this a more valuable resource. The great thing about social media is that if you miss something, others will help fill in the blanks, as J-Source followers have done.

*Clarification: A previous version of this article mistakenly referred to D.B. Scott's blog as Magazines Canada blog. The blog's proper name is Canadian Magazines and is published independently, with no endorsement or influence by Magazines Canada. We regret any confusion this may have caused.