Now that the clip of Mary Walsh playing Marg Delahunty has been released some are wondering if Toronto mayor Rob Ford told the truth about the stunt.

For starters, Ford told media yesterday that it was dark out and he didn’t recognize her; it looks fairly light in the clip. He also said she never identified herself; she did. Also, Ford's young daughter, who ford said was frightened by the incident, was nowhere to be seen.

Now that the clip of Mary Walsh playing Marg Delahunty has been released some are wondering if Toronto mayor Rob Ford told the truth about the stunt.

For starters, Ford told media yesterday that it was dark out and he didn’t recognize her; it looks fairly light in the clip. He also said she never identified herself; she did. Also, Ford's young daughter, who ford said was frightened by the incident, was nowhere to be seen.

Walsh, at least, says the girl wasn't there. “There was no child at all,” she told the Toronto Star. “I mean, was she inside his suit jacket? We never saw any children.”

She added she's never seen a reaction like Ford's, who called 911.

“It was a shock to me,” she told the Star. “It was just in good fun, really. I was just going to say that us big loudmouthed buffoons should stick together.”

You can watch the clip here at the Star, or here on the 22 Minutes Facebook page.