In the wake of the now-viral op-ed in The New York Times, Why I am leaving Goldman Sachs, the Wall Street Journal published a rebuttal from numerous unnamed employees at  the company.

In the wake of the now-viral op-ed in The New York Times, Why I am leaving Goldman Sachs, the Wall Street Journal published a rebuttal from numerous unnamed employees at  the company. Jay Rosen expressed disbelief at the fact even a spokeswoman, whose job it is to represent the company, was not named. The Journal expressed to Rosen that the spokeswoman's comment was on-the-record, but they chose not to name her. 

Mark Coddington, a Nieman Lab contributor and graduate student of journalism, Storified a discussion that took place on Twitter surrounding the whole ordeal that delved into the deeper issues surrounding using anonymous sources in general. Check it out here