Student journalism and Occupy Nova Scotia

Occupy Nova Scotia took up protest in Halifax's Grand Parade Square on Oct. 15, 2011. In a move that was considered questionable by a number of Halifax media outlets, mayor Peter Kelly ordered an eviction during a tropical storm on Nov. 11. 

Journalism students from the University of King's College produced coverage of the protests and controversial eviction:

Occupy Nova Scotia took up protest in Halifax's Grand Parade Square on Oct. 15, 2011. In a move that was considered questionable by a number of Halifax media outlets, mayor Peter Kelly ordered an eviction during a tropical storm on Nov. 11. 

Journalism students from the University of King's College produced coverage of the protests and controversial eviction:

Bill McEwen wrote a long-form narrative piece that follows John Thibeau, one of the protestors, throughout the movement. It explores what the movement was trying to accomplish, the street kids who found a community, and how Thibeau was able to make the protests and street kids work together.

Nic Bergeron was at the eviction on Nov. 11 and shot a mini-doc (with credit to McEwen) that gives a look at what transpired that day between police and protesters when there were multiple arrests made and allegations of violence from police.

The Eviction of Occupy Nova Scotia (Mini-Doc) from Nicolas James on Vimeo.


Bergeron followed up with those who were arrested on Nov. 11 in a piece for