Storify launched a business model last Friday with a new premium service designed for media organizations called Storify VIP

Storify launched a business model last Friday with a new premium service designed for media organizations called Storify VIP

It's been almost two years since Storify's public beta debut, and just in the last year. Since then, over 600,000 social media curators haave signed up and there are more than 15 million unique readers a month. Several Canadian media outlets such as J-Source, The Toronto Star, The Globe and Mail have used Storify. 

Here are some features of Storify VIP, according to its website:

• Real-time updates

• Full CSS styling options for embedding stories and unrestricted API access in how Storify works with your site

• Priority level technical support via email or phone

• Sharing stories privately within an organization
The BBC has already signed up for Storify VIP. The regular version of Storify will continue to be offered for free, and so far, the company has no intentions of changing that. 
Storify also announced a new partnership with Storify users will be able to embed and create their Storify stories through the WordPress dashboard. This partnerhsip is separate from Storify VIP and users do not need to be signed up for both VIP programs to utilize this service.