An employee of a Canadian magazine has written an extensive – and
cutting – resignation letter, detailing problems with management and
“poor quality” content.”
The anonymous employee, who signed off as “KillMeNow” writes:
“The first reason [I’m leaving] is enough for any writer to leave and that is poor product quality. Month after month, the number of profiles increases, leaving less time to write meaty content or properly edit what we have completed (the term ‘light editing’ encapsulates the careless attitude taken regarding quality of work).
Our publications are so inflated with brochures that no reader would realistically read it in its entirety. But that seems to be okay with everyone. In fact, it’s a running joke that no one reads the magazines. As a writer, you can imagine why this is inherently offensive. Ninety-five per cent of the work I have produced at the company will only ever be read by the company it was created to promote.
“As more fluff profiles add up, the issue ends up with one feature, a review of already digested news and two or three contributions. These do not a magazine make. If we had any concern for our readers, our focus would be on offering real content, articles that could potentially alter the way they do business. Sadly, the company’s only concern is for advertisers.”
The writer also took issue with the fact they had raised this problem numerous times with management, to no result. They add:
“I grew very weary of the implication that editorial was a cost to the company, even though we create the product the company sells (thus, facilitate profit). It took a long time to get a camera, a long time to get an assistant, and a long time to get an associate. The simple truth is we are not a priority. If the phones were down and the sales people couldn’t do their jobs properly, they would be fixed as soon as possible. But if editorial needs an extra hand to thrive within the department, we have to wait for months and see what the budget looks like. And when we finally bring someone in, he or she is hired at the lowest possible salary.
“With no incentives, we are expected to happily swallow any number of additional profiles. Overtime was often required, despite the fact that our salaries are not commensurate with the amount of work we put in. We work 45 hours per week as is, and, to be sure, salaries do not entitle a company to indefinite overtime.”
The writer also writes about harassment in the office:
“The lack of boundaries within the company is staggering. Policies are wholly ineffective when the president is the guiltiest and the least accountable to following them. I’m referring to you, Brutus, and your continued belief that the office is your personal playground. Unsolicited comments about women’s attire, sexual innuendos, unwelcome touching, and invasion of personal space are a few examples.”
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