About the Assembly
Through this link visitors will be able to familiarize themselves with key information- such as the various committees, how the legislature works and key players. Reporters new to Ontario politics should definitely check this one out.
This site takes the user to numerical and alphabetical listings of all government and private members’ bills before the legislature. Short descriptions of the bills are also available at the bottom of the site.
News Releases
This site will direct you to all of the Ontario government’s news releases. Here, you’ll be able to access all of the days’ releases, view releases by ministry or search for archived releases.
Parliamentary Calendar
This colour-coded calendar displays the days the legislature sits, and those when committees may meet.
Freedom of Information
Through this site, users will learn how to file a freedom of information request and navigate the complexities of the system.
House Happenings
This link will take you to an index of dates. Each date has a corresponding link, directing you to a listing of that day’s scheduled business. Listings are archived, and usually provide an indication of what the upcoming week (or the following day) will hold.
This link will direct you to an index of dates. A summary of the day’s proceedings is available for each date. This is particularly helpful in determining if you should consult Hansard, i.e. if the scheduled debate on a bill actually occurred on one date, or another.
Hansard Debates
This link will take the user directly to the Hansard “debates” search page. Users can search for transcripts of debates by subject (i.e. nuclear), name (i.e. Pupatello), date, etc. Boolean search terms apply
Hansard Committee Proceedings
This link will direct the user to an index of committees- i.e. “estimates,” “social policy”, “government agencies.” After selecting a committee, users must know the date they are interested in reviewing. There is no available search engine for this page, so users should have a sound knowledge of committee matters beforehand. For example, if the user is interested in reading the most recent proceedings of “Kevin and Jared’s Law”, they must first select “Regulations and Private Bills” from the initial index, know that the committee last discussed the bill on September 1, 2006, click on the link, and then click on the link to the desired law.
Hansard Main Site
This is Hansard’s main site. From here, users can access the above-listed Hansard sites, but can also search House debates back to 1984. Users can also access the “Draft House Index” and “Draft Committee Index”. These are QUITE helpful in locating specific speakers and subjects as both are listed alphabetically.
Cabinet Ministers
This link will direct visitors to a listing of all the current ministers. Clicking on the adjacent links can access each minister’s portfolio. Their photos are also posted, so identifying them in the legislature’s halls should be a little easier.
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
This is the ministry’s homepage. News releases and contact information can be accessed through the news release link. This site includes a calendar of events, available through the calendar link. Statistical data on food and agriculture is available though the statistics link, available at the bottom of the page.
Ministry of the Attorney-General
News releases are posted directly on this homepage, however, archived releases can be found by following the news link. Clicking on the legislation link easily accesses pieces of legislation. Of particular interest may be the court addresses, which are available by clicking on the court addresses list.
Ministry of Children and Youth Services
This is the ministry’s homepage, and recent news releases are posted right here. The news room link provides access to fact sheets, archived releases and speeches, and background papers. The publication link presents visitors with an index of topics on which governmental reports have been filed and can be accessed through the site. A map of youth intervention centres is available through the youth intervention centres link.
Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration
This is the ministry’s homepage. News releases can be accessed through the news link, and some background papers are available in different languages. Clicking on the link of the same name can access a listing of regional offices.
Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
This is the ministry’s homepage. Links to the OPP, Ontario Fire Marshall’s Office, Emergency Management Ontario and Ontario Parole Commissions, can be found on the right-hand side. Under the corrections heading, visitors can find address and phone numbers for various correctional institutions, by clicking on the “where to find facilities’ link. News releases, and a link to archived releases, are posted directly on the homepage.
Ministry of Culture
This is the ministry’s homepage. Information on libraries, including statistical data, is available through the libraries link. The Ontario Heritage Tool Kit (available for download at the bottom of the page) explains the Ontario Heritage Act, the Planning Act and the Historic Places Initiative is fairly basic language. The Ontario Heritage Properties database provides access to listings and information on various historical properties across the province.
Ministry of Economic Trade and Development
This is the ministry’s homepage. Links to the International Trade Branch and Ontario Investment Service are on the left. News releases and speech texts can be accessed through the news link. Export trade shows and calendar of events are accessible by following links at the bottom of the page.
Ministry of Education
This is the Ministry of Education’s main page. From here, guests can access information on colleges, elementary and secondary schools, apprenticeships, universities, biographical information on the current Minister and various other information topics. The ministry’s class size tracker, where visitors can view average class sizes for in particular regions, can also be accessed through here. News releases can be accessed through the news link.
Ministry of Energy
This is the ministry’s homepage. The media centre link contains archived releases and speeches. New energy projects are depicted on a map (and more detailed map, by following the link) and an “Energy Dashboard” lists the current average prices for gasoline, retail and wholesale energy, current demand and current electricity supplies. Several publications on conservation, oil and gas, renewable energy and electricity are available through their respective links.
Ministry of Environment
Through the ministry’s homepage, users can access various pieces of legislation; including the Clean Water Act. The air quality link will direct users to a graphical depiction of current (and archived) air quality levels across the province. Users that follow the news link are directed to news releases and speeches, as well as information on recent Environmental Act convictions.
Ministry of Finance
This is the ministry’s homepage and it is filled with links to useful information. The media centre provides access to press releases, speeches and advisories. The Ontario budget, economic updates, quarterly government finances and provincial demographics can be accessed through the budget and economy link.
Ministry of Government Services
This is the ministry’s homepage. News releases and speeches can be accessed through the news link. Information on real estate fraud is prominently displayed on the site. A link to ONTERM (Ontario’s official terminology) is found on the left-hand side. Users will be able to access the database of geographical locations (for accurate spelling and pronunciation) and official government names for programs, bills, etc.
Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
This is the ministry’s homepage. News releases are displayed prominently, but their news media link offers much more. Publications, video/audio clips, background information and speeches are easily accessed here Reports on infections and diseases such as Hepititis C, influenza and West Nile Virus are available through their links, as are some laws, such as the Long-Term Care Homes Act.
Ministry of Health Promotion
This is the ministry’s homepage. News releases are prominently displayed and archived releases can be accessed at the bottom of the page. This ministry is also responsible for sport and recreation, a link to these areas can be found at the top of the page. The site contains various links to pertinent health issues ranging from crystal meth to advice for healthy living.
Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs
This is the ministry’s homepage. News releases are displayed prominently, and older releases can be accessed at the bottom of the page. The Citizen’s Assembly on Electoral Reform and the Democratic Secretariat can be accessed by following the links on the right-hand side.
Ministry of Labour
This is the ministry’s homepage. News releases are posted directly here, but archived releases can be found through the news release link. Recent convictions for violations of Ministry of Labour violations can be found by following the court release link. Data on Employment Standards Act investigations and convictions can be found via the report card link.
Ministry of Natural Resources
The ministry’s homepage includes a link to the Aboriginal Affairs Secretariat (which is run through the ministry). Publications on subjects ranging from biodiversity to hunting are available through the publications link. News releases are displayed prominently on the site, but their media centre has archived releases and background papers listed in date order.
Ministry of Northern Development and Mines
This is the ministry’s homepage. News releases can be accessed by clicking on the news link. Various reports are available for download, including the Northern Communities Investment Initiative and Ontario’s Mineral Development Strategy. A search feature allows visitors to search the site, or all Ontario government sites, for information.
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
This is the ministry’s homepage. From here, visitors can access the City of Toronto Act, Rental Tenancies Act and other legislation. The reference centre contains links to various publications as well as the Ontario Municipal Employees’ Retirement System (OMERS)- often a source of controversy. The newsroom link contains current and archived background papers, releases and speeches.
Ministry of Public Infrastructure
News releases are displayed on this homepage, but by clicking on the news link visitors can access photos, videos and archived speeches and releases. Links to the ministry’s agencies (LCBO, OLGC, Ontario Realty Corporation and Toronto Waterfront Revitalization are posted at the bottom of the page. Ongoing ministerial projects can be found under the partners and projects link.
Ministry of Small Business and Entrepreneurship
This is the ministry’s homepage. Visitors can access news releases through the news link. The site is geared to small business owners and is filled with information on stating a business, but is essentially devoid of any meaningful economic data or market conditions.
Ministry of Tourism
This is the ministry’s homepage. News releases are listed by date from the news link. A listing of upcoming events and festivals across Ontario can be found by clinking on the attractions link, followed by the events and festivals link. Clicking on the Regional Tourism Profile link will direct users to regional tourism profiles, complete with data on visitors’ length of stay, amount spent and region of residency. Visitors can search by year and region, however, the most recent profiles are in 2004 and not every region has complete data.
Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
This is the ministry’s homepage. From here, visitors can access their news releases and information on the ministry. Links to the ministry’s principle areas- colleges, universities and apprenticeships will lead the visitor to information on these specific areas. Links to Ontario’s colleges and universities are listed at the bottom. Labour market information is also available at the bottom of the page.
Ministry of Transportation
This is the ministry’s homepage. News releases are displayed prominently here, but by clicking on the more news releases link at the bottom of the page, users can access regional releases, speeches, background papers and statements made by the minister in the legislature. The Compass Traffic Management link takes visitors to an index where they can view scheduled road maintenance, see the location of MTO cameras, and examine a colour-coded map of traffic along the province’s highways.
Office of the Premier
There isn’t much information value to this site, however, there is an extensive photo gallery. Dalton McGuinty’s “journal” (both video and text) is really more of a forum for promotions than a blog.
Office of Francophone Affairs
This is the office’s homepage, and through here visitors can see a map of Ontario’s francophone population pockets. More detailed data on francophones can be found through the statistical data link. The francophone community link directs visitors to a calendar of events and listing of francophone groups/organizations.
Senior’s Secretariat
This link will direct users to the secretariat’s homepage. By clicking on the senior’s info link, users can find relevant contact information for several senior-related agencies- such as Community Care Access Centers, Red Cross offices and Royal Canadian Legions. News releases are displayed on the homepage, some with background papers.
Women’s Directorate
This is the directorate’s homepage. Data and statistics on violence against women and economic independence are available by following the facts and statistics link. News releases and background papers are available through the news release link.
Ontario Green Party
This is the party’s homepage. The link to news releases was not working at time of submission, but I suspect it will be operational in coming months. By clicking on ridings, visitors are directed to a listing of ridings. Clicking on riding will provide contact information for riding presidents. The policy link will eventually contain the party’s election platform. ***Note: this site is continuously improving; new features may be available, and operational, in subsequent visits.
Ontario Liberal Party- news releases
This link will direct users to a listing of news releases authored by the Liberal party. They are listed by date.
Ontario Liberal Party- Riding Presidents
This link will direct users to an index of riding presidents for each riding in Ontario. Ridings are listed alphabetically. Contact information for each president is available by clicking on the associated link. This is particularly useful in not only election time, but also for local news outlets seeking a Liberal perspective when there is no Liberal MPP in their area.
Liberals- Find your MPP
This is a search tool that will allow the user to search by riding or member. All options are listed in a drop down menu. Each listing provides a brief overview of the MPP’s work and their contact information. If another party holds the particular riding however, the site will direct the user to the Liberal’s riding president for that area. Again, this site is useful if the user is seeking a Liberal view, but for a general search, the link below is best.
Find an MPP
This search engine is hosted through the Ontario legislature, and users can search for an MPP by riding or name. Both are listed alphabetically. In addition, users can search for committee members by selecting the desired committee. Archived lists of MPPs are also available, listed by the parliament and session number.
The Ontario NDP- news releases
This link directs users to a listing of news releases authored by the party. In addition to being listed by date, they are also listed by subject heading- i.e. energy, finance, children and youth services. There is also a drop down menu, where users can choose to read news releases by topic- i.e. energy. Until there are links to NDP proposed policies, these serve as good indicators of the party’s positions.
The Ontario NDP- members
This link directs users to a listing of NDP MPPs. Each link directs the user to a member’s biography, complete with photo and contact information.
The Ontario Progressive Conservative Party- policy
This link will eventually direct users to the PC’s policy papers. They are currently undergoing a policy review, and should have these papers up by late spring/early summer.
The Ontario Progressive Conservative Party- news releases
This link will direct the user to a series of news releases by the PC party.
Progressive Conservative MPPs
This link will direct the user to a listing, with photo, of each Tory MPP. Each link contains a detailed history of the member’s work, including their contact information. This site does a very good job at acquainting you with the MPP.
Elections Ontario- main page
This is the main page to the official Elections Ontario site. The site’s directory lists several topics, including:
Actual text of Election Act, Election Finance Act, party and candidate guidelines and constituency guidelines
Results and Stats
Here you can find by-election results, general election results; including riding specific results, voter turnout and poll by poll returns.
Candidates and Parties
This provides access to a listing of all registered parties, party names being applied for, election finance rules and finance legislation.
Canadian Auto Workers (CAW)
The CAW is a great source for automotive industry and border issues. They are also, however, quite vocal in their lobbying efforts surrounding education, health care, child care, insurance and pensions. Clicking on the ongoing campaigns link, will lead visitors to their current issues.
Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)- Ontario division
This is the Ontario division’s homepage. Current opinions on government decisions and proposed policies can be found directly on their homepage. There are over 200,000 members in Ontario, and their contact information is available through this site.
The Ontario Nurses’ Association
As healthcare workers, the association is well-informed on health-care issues, and their workplace. They are often at odds with the provincial government in these areas, and are readily available for media request. Their contact information is available through this site.
Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation
This link provides access to the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation policy positions. “Education Watch” is published six times a year, and contains the unions’ positions on upcoming bills, current policies and recommendations. Contact information is available in these publications.
Ontario College of Teachers’
Users will be directed to a series of research papers and reports on various education issues. The College’s newest reports are listed at the top, while others are listed alphabetically below. The reports are quite varied and include issues such as “The teaching profession in Ontario” and “Narrowing the Gender Gap: Attracting men to the teaching.” Other documents included in this area include topics such as ethical guidelines, steps to take in lodging a complaint against a teacher and a member’s handbook.
CD Howe Institute
This is the think tank’s home page. They specialize in social and fiscal policy. Many of their publications/ reports can be viewed through this site. They usually publish releases in the lead-up and aftermath of budgets.
Conference Board of Canada
The Conference Board of Canada specializes in economic trends, regulatory and taxation policies, trade and investment. Many of their reports/publications can be viewed by clicking on the knowledge areas link. They usually publish releases in the lead-up and aftermath of budgets.
The Fraser Institute
This is the Fraser Institute’s homepage. The conservative think tank specializes in economic, education, environmental, governance, health, markets, non-profit and trade policies. Many of their publications/ reports can be viewed through this site.
Every year they publish a report card on Ontario’s elementary schools, where each school (public and private) is ranked.
Fraser’s Report Card on Ontario Elementary Schools
The Ontario Chamber of Commerce
This organization bills itself as Ontario’s Business Advocate. They are quite active in lobbying the government on behalf of their members, and publish policy papers generally dealing with economic matters.
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