6 Dec

When the storytelling never stops: Working at an all-day news channel

<p><em><strong>Selena Drepaul</strong>, a producer at CHCH news in Hamilton, Ontario, describes the juggling act required to work at an all-day news channel.</em></p><p>I started in the CHCH newsroom as a writer, just days after the station launched its all-day news format in the fall of 2009. There was a lot of airtime to fill—a LOT. Every story was needed right away. I thought I was a great multitasker. Turns out, I was great at multitasking my simple life, but I had to learn how to juggle infinite news stories.</p>

11 Oct

The suicide taboo: Covering a story no one wants to talk about

<p><em>As a Senior Producer at CTV, <strong>Heather Sherman</strong> has tackled a lot of stories that weren't easy to tell. But a recent assignment to do a series on suicide put all her experience to the test, and reminded her why it's important to cover stories no one wants to talk about.</em></p>

27 Sep

Putting the story above the storytelling

<p><em>Web producer <strong>Heather Loney</strong> describes how digital journalists need to stay focused on the story, not contribute to the "noise" of digital content.</em></p><p class="MsoNormal">It's a liberating feeling to work in online news, realizing the endless number of stories you can cover, and the many ways you can cover them.</p>

13 Sep

From the ground up: Building the SUN News Network

<p><img alt="" class="imagecache-medium-left inline-image" src="" title="" /><em><strong>Dayna Gourley </strong>has worked in television news for over 15 years, but helping to launch the Sun News Network could be the biggest challenge she's ever faced.</em></p>

30 Aug

Focusing on Jack Layton: How working in smaller markets prepared one reporter to cover one of the biggest stories of the year

<p class="MsoNormal" style=""><em><span style="font-family: Helvetica;">CBC Videographer Charlsie Agro was called up from Windsor to work in Toronto this summer. Little did she know she'd end up covering one of the biggest stories of the year, the death of NDP leader Jack Layton. What did Agro learn? Market size doesn't matter when it comes to the essential skills of journalism.</span></em></p><p class="MsoNormal" style=""><span style="font-family: Helvetica;">“What’s the story? What’s the story?”<o:p></o:p></span></p>

20 Jul

My first summer job in news

<p><em><strong>David Hedley</strong>’s first job at a community newspaper in 1980 dashed any illusions his younger-self had about the glory of work as a journalist. It also taught the future </em>Calgary Herald<em> web producer the importance of multi-tasking -- and truth. </em></p>

28 Jun

Beam me up Scotty: The struggle to cover health and science in daily news

CTV Health Reporter Karen Owen shares the challenges of covering highly complicated health and science stories within the confines of television news.After a recent assignment I couldn’t help but marvel […]

28 Jun

A riot just broke out. Now what?

When the Canucks lost the cup, reporters covering the game found themselves in the middle of a riot. Dana Lacey tells us how two Vancouver newsrooms, The Province and Global […]

21 Jun

The bear facts: A local story goes viral, and speaks volumes about the state of broadcast news

In 2009 the story of a bear sighting in Cleveland became world famous. Not because of the bear, but because of the way the story was covered. Field Notes editor […]

15 Jun

Global News liveblogs from frontlines of Afghanistan

Global News pulled a first-ever last night when it liveblogged from the frontlines of Afghanistan for an hour. The liveblog, which started at 11:30 p.m. and ran until 12:30 a.m., […]