I.F. Stone made significant contributions to investigative journalism at a time in the U.S. when holding powerful institutions to account was seen as unpatriotic and disloyal, writes Cecil Rosner in […]
READ MOREThe Bigger Picture: Elements of Feature Writing.Ivor Shapiro, ed. Emond Montgomery, 2008. ByMarc Edge Reporters who go into teaching as a second career can sometimes find themselves at a loss […]
READ MORENever Shoot a Stampede Queen: A Rookie Reporter in the CaribooMark Leiren-YoungHeritage House Publishing, 2008; pb $19.95 ByShannon Rupp Never Shoot a Stampede Queen could serve as the one-book answer […]
READ MOREThe Ten Cent PlagueDavid HajduFarrar, Straus and Giroux, 2008New York, N.Y. ByDavid SpencerIn some circles, a connection between issues involving comic books and journalism would be considered far fetched. However, […]
READ MORERosner, Cecil. Behind The Headlines: A History of Investigative Journalism in Canada Toronto, Ontario: Oxford University Press, 2008Hard Cover, $27.95ISBN 978-0-19-542733-2 ByDavid Spencer While working my way through this all […]
READ MOREA collection of book reviews, updated periodically. So far, the following titles have been reviewed: Les Nouveaux Journalistes, Le Guide; Going Dirty: The Art of Negative Campaigning; Digging Deeper: A […]
READ MOREMost scholarly journals publish reviews and those reviews are an integral part of the publication philosophy. The following list will point teachers and researchers to those journals which publish reviews. […]
READ MORECulture Wars: The Media And The British LeftCurran, James, Ivor Gaber, Julian PetleyColumbia University Press, 2006 It may have been just one of those interesting coincidences that surface from time […]
READ MOREWhen I finally arrived at the last page of this new take on early broadcasting, I could not help being reminded of the old Bud Abbott and Lou Costello routine, […]
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