Utne has the goods on the guy tracking the death of North American media on Twitter. “The media is dying” is a virtual death knell of journalism, so relentless in its bad news and profoundly depressing I sometimes ignore Twitter for hours because I just can’t look any more.

Utne interviewed the anonymous public relations man behind the seven-week-old Twitter feed Utne called “the rat-a-tat-tat of daily media executions.”

“It is brutal, but that is not its founder’s intention,” reported Utne. The man Utne calls “Mr. Dying” started the feed with that seven others in the public relations industry, to keep track of clients. They opened it to others Dec. 19. themediaisdying had more than 11,000 followers at the time of this posting.

Beware all ye who enter it: lock up your razor blades.