Media History is an interdisciplinary journal that welcomes contributions addressing media and society from the 15th century to the present. Its perspective is both historical and international. It will explore all forms of serial publication in manuscript, print and electronic media and will encourage work which crosses the boundaries of politics, culture and communications. The journal includes contributions covering a wide area of media history, and welcomes contributions from across the globe. Contributors are encouraged to submit illustrations where appropriate.

Manuscripts, usually between 5,000 and 6,000 words, should be double spaced and follow MLA referencing style. To ensure an anonymous refereeing process, name(s), address(es) and affiliation(s) should appear on a separate page and not on the manuscript. Please submit two hard copies and also supply an electronic copy, either on disk with the hard copies or by e-mail.

Authors will be required to submit an accepted manuscript in electronic form, preferably Word files. A hard copy version will also be required, which must match the electronic version exactly. An e-mail address and full postal address must be supplied for the corresponding author. Figures or photographs should not be embedded in the text but supplied as separate files, preferably TIFF or JPG, saved to a high resolution. The location of the image should be indicated in the text file.

Authors are themselves responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce in both print and online form any copyright material used, and for the payment of any fees to do so. Authors must obtain permissions before submission and include any acknowledgements in the typescript. Where photographs or figures are reproduced, acknowledgement of source and copyright must be given in the caption.

Online Availability

Media History is available on Scholars Portal, MetraPress and CMMC. The most complete collection can be found on CMMC beginning with Volume 4, Issue 2 from December 1998. However, the collection does not include the latest issue, Volume 12, No. 1, April 2006. It can be downloaded from MetaPress.


Tom O’Malley
Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies
University of Wales Aberystwyth
Parry Williams Building
Penglais Campus, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion,
SY23 3AJ, Wales, UK;
Tel: 01970-622-833;