If you want to earn a living as a freelance writer, selling articles to newspapers, magazines, trade publications, and Web sites you need to attend this course. This workshop shows you:
* how to develop article ideas
* write query letters
* pitch your ideas to the right editor at the right publications
* and even how to conduct interviews and write leads.

It also outlines everything you need to know to negotiate the sale of your work when editors say “yes” to your ideas.

* Sponsored by the Writers and Editors Network (WEN).
* Date: Saturday, May 26, 9:30 am – 3:30 pm
* Location: St. Luke’s Anglican Church, 1513 Dixie Rd, Mississauga
* Cost: $89 for non-members; $74 for WEN & PWAC members
* You can pay at the door, BUT you must pre-register at:
(Note: mark the “mailing a cheque” box, then bring your cheque to the

Workshop Leader: Paul Lima (www.paullima.com) has been a professional writer
and writing instructor for more than 25 years, with experience as a
freelance writer (National Post, Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, Time Canada,
Profit, Your Office and many other publications). He also worked as an
editor (Toronto Computes, Northern Lights) and business writer. He is the
author of The Six-Figure Freelancer, The Business of Freelance Writing and
Copywriting That Works (www.paullima.com/books). You can read about the
business of writing on his blog – www.paullima.com/blog.