Canadian Journalists for Free Expression presents a debate about journalists and protecting sources. The event, co-sponsored by The Walrus, is in celebration of Freedom to Read Week. There will be a reception afterwards sponsored by Sheridan College, Canadian Journalism for Internationally Trained Writers Program.

Panelists include investigative journalist and author of “Hear no Evil, Write no Lies” Andrew Mitrovica, media law expert, Brian MacLeod Rogers, investigative journalist Marci McDonald, and journalist and Chair of the School of Journalism at Ryerson University, Paul Knox. The panel will be moderated by Walrus editor, Ken Alexander.

Venue: Innis Town Hall Theatre, 2 Sussex Avenue, University of Toronto
Date/Time: March 8 7:00p.m. Doors open at 6:30p.m.
Admission: Suggested donation at the door of $10. Free for all members of Journalists in Exile.

You can watch a podcast of the event here.