Academics, practitioners, and others with a demonstrated interest in
these issues are invited to submit papers for presentation at Journalism Strategies, a McGill Conference whose purpose is to to
re-imagine the role of journalism in Canada and ways to use media
policies to support it.

The organizers invite you paper proposals on one of the four
conference themes. The questions included below are suggestions, meant
to aid  reflection. Please do not feel constrained by them. 

1. Working definitions of journalism that place at the fore public deliberation and participation:

a. What kinds of journalism practices can facilitate citizen participation and public deliberation?

b.  How are they distinct from other journalism practices?

c. How can these practices enable
citizens to engage at different levels of governance
(local, regional, national, global) in their preferred ways (as
contributors, journalists, etc.)?

2.  Organizational models:

a. What types of organizational structures are conducive to emerging journalistic practices at different levels?

b.  How can existing journalism organizations adapt their structures to better facilitate those practices?

c.  How can individual actors within organizations participate in the reform process?

d. How can journalism
organizations cooperate with other interested organizations and
individuals (e.g., labour unions, media reform organizations, academics,
activists, emerging journalism organizations, and bloggers) to address
the democratic deficit in the Canadian media landscape?

3. Regulatory policies:

a. How have historical
developments of Canadian media policy (e.g., government subsidies,
foreign ownership restrictions, telecommunications regulations, etc.)
laid the groundwork for current Canadian journalism practices?

b. How do media policies offer
actors (e.g., governments, news organizations, media workers,
not-for-profit organizations, activists, and citizens) opportunities to
intervene in policy discussions?

c. What policies are necessary to ensure that emerging journalism practices are sustainable?

4. Financial policies:

a. How can fiscal and financial
policies at various levels of government encourage approaches that
address emerging journalistic practices?

b.  What types of organizations and actors should receive public funding?

c.  How can other financial models foster a more open and diverse media landscape?

d. What are the impacts of different funding mechanisms on journalism organizations?

Please submit your proposal in either English or French.
On the first page, provide the paper’s working title, your name,
organizational affiliation (if any), and contact information. On the
second page, include the working title of the paper and an abstract (two
pages or approximately 500 words) that addresses the criteria listed

The deadline to submit two-page paper proposals is 27 June
2011. Relevant sub-committees of established academics, graduate
students, practitioners, and individuals with a demonstrated interest in
journalism policy will peer review these submissions. Reviewers will
use the following three criteria to assess the proposals:

1. Relevance to one of the four conference themes;

2. Originality of contribution to ongoing scholarly and professional debates about journalism; and

3. Strength and value of two workable and actionable policy strategies.

Sub-committees will select four proposals per theme. Thus,
they will accept sixteen papers for presentation at the conference. We
will notify authors of the decisions by 30 September 2011. The deadline
to submit full papers is 15 February 2012. We will
invite a selected number of presenters to submit expanded and revised
versions of their papers for inclusion in a possible post-conference