Javnost–The Public, an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed social and cultural science journal published by the European Institute for Communication and Culture in association with the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, addresses problems of the public sphere on international and interdisciplinary levels. It encourages the development of theory and research, and helps understand differences between cultures. Contributors confront problems of the public, public communication, public opinion, public discourse, publicness, publicity, and public life from a variety of disciplinary and theoretical perspectives

Manuscripts Preparation

Manuscripts must be submitted in triplicate, in English or Slovene, together with an IBM compatible computer disk copy (3.5″) in WordPerfect, Word, WordStar, or ASCII. To facilitate blind review, names and affiliations of authors should be listed on a separate title sheet. Maximum length of articles is 50,000 characters, other contributions may not exceed 25,000 characters. Titles of articles should be concise and descriptive and should not exceed one hundred characters. Texts of more than 10,000 characters should include sub-heads: major sub-heads should appear on a separate line; secondary sub-heads appear flush left preceding the first sentence of a paragraph. Extended abstracts (4,000 to 6,000 characters) are requested for all articles, preferably in both English and Slovene. Each table or figure must appear on a separate page after the Notes. It should be numbered and carry a short title. Tables and figures are indicated in the text in the order of their appearance (“Insert Table 1 / Figure 1 about here”).

Review Procedures

All unsolicited articles undergo double-blind peer review. In most cases, manuscripts are reviewed by two referees. The editor reserves the right to reject any unsuitable manuscript without requesting an external review.

References, Notes, and Citations

The basic reference format is (Novak 1994). To cite a specific page or part (Novak 1994, 7-8). Use “et al.” when citing a work by more than three authors (Novak et al. 1994). The letters a, b, c, etc. should be used to distinguish different citations by the same author in the same year (Kosec 1934a; Kosec 1934b). Essential notes, or citations of unusual sources, should be indicated by superscript numbers in the text and collected on a separate page at the end of the article. Author notes should identify authors by complete name, title, and affiliation. Acknowledgements may include information about financial support and other assistance in preparing the manuscript. All references cited in the text should be listed alphabetically and in full after the notes.

The journal was established in 1994 and publishes primarily in English four times per year.

Online Availability

All contributions are listed on the journal’s website. With Volume 5, Number 1, beginning in 1998, brief abstracts of articles are included but no full-length contributions can be downloaded at the moment.


Slavko Splichal
Editorial address: EURICOM, Javnost–The Public,
Kardeljeva pl. 5, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tel: +3861 5805 242, Fax: +3861 5805 106; E-mail:
