20 Jun

Ag reporter to be inducted into Canadian ag hall of fame

<p>Veteran ag reporter Barry Wilson will be inducted into the Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame in November. Wilson is the Ottawa bureau chief for the Western Producer and has spent more than three decades covering ag issues from Parliament Hill. According to a recent <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">article</a> in The Western Producer, such honour is a rarity: the last (and only other) reporter to be inducted was the late Cora Hind, who wrote for the Manitoba Free Press.</p>

14 Sep

Better Farming journalist wins two farm writing awards

Mary Baxter, a field editor with Better Farming magazine(and J-Source contributing editor) has won two Canadian Farm Writers’ and Broadcasters’ awards. Baxter was awarded the Jack Cram gold award for […]

1 Sep

Canadian Rural Research Network

Launched earlier this year, the Canadian Rural Research Network web portal is intended as a catch-all for research relevant to Canada’s rural areas. The site has some handy links to […]

1 Sep

Rural Women Making Change

Rural Women Making Change is a research alliance between university researchers and women’s farm, labour and human resources groups. Their website offers summaries of some of their research projects that […]

4 Mar

To web or not to web

Online publishing for a farm audience throws up a particular challenge. While urban-based journalists may be contemplating the virtues of using social networks such as Twitter to research and report […]

23 Jul

Coverage approach depends on timing

One of the greatest challenges facing farm beat editors and reporters has to do with balancing their approach to coverage with the timing of publication. In Canada in 2005, primary […]

22 Jul

Think tanks weigh in on the merits of ethanol

As the merits of ethanol production become a mainstream issue, many in the agricultural sector argue the fuel is taking an unfair share of blame for its role in the […]

22 Jul

Budget cuts plague farm beat

Results from a survey coordinated by the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists show that budget cuts and lack of time to look ahead are common concerns for those on the […]

28 Mar

International Federation of Agricultural Journalists

The IFAJ is a non-political association for agricultural journalists in 29 countries. Each year the organization hosts a conference in one of its member countries. The event provides participants with […]

28 Mar

Canadian Farm Writers’ Federation

The CFWF is a national association for agricultural journalists and communicators. Along with hosting an annual conference, the organization offers annual awards for agricultural journalism and a listserv to provide […]