Long-time White House correspondent Helen Thomas has retired after five
decades of presidential press coverage following the backlash over offensive comments she made last week were captured in a Youtube video.

Thomas, who was a columnist for Hearst newspapers, held the coveted front-row seat in White House press conferences, and was awarded the honour of asking the last question.

The Hill reports:

“White House Correspondents’ Association (WHCA) President Ed Chen criticized her in a statement Monday.”Helen Thomas’ comments were indefensible and the White House Correspondents Association board firmly dissociates itself from them. Many in our profession who have known Helen for years were saddened by the comments, which were especially unfortunate in light of her role as a trail blazer on the White House beat,” he said.

“The WHCA has been criticized for allowing Thomas a prized front-row seat in the White House press room since she was no longer a reporter but a columnist.”