The Globe and Mail and Toronto Star combined to win 13
of the 22 categories at the 61st National Newspaper Awards ceremony last night in Toronto. 
The Globe won seven,  the Star won six,  the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal in Saint John and the Ottawa Citizen each won two top awards.
Single NNA certificates were awarded to La Presse in Montreal, Guelph
Mercury, London Free Press, Reuters, and The Province in Vancouver.
• Bruno Schlumberger of the Ottawa Citizen took two NNAs in Feature Photo and News Feature Photo.
• Brian Gable of The Globe and Mail has won his fifth award for Editorial Cartooning.
• Stephanie Nolen of The Globe and Mail won her fourth NNA.

• Michèle Ouimet of La Presse in Montreal has won her second NNA.
• Marty Klinkenberg of the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal has won his second NNA
• Steve Russell of the Toronto Star won his second NNA