Steve Faguy, pigiste, Montréal

According to Le Devoir, the FPJQ (Quebec’s professional journalists
association) polled its members about the state of the media, and
overwhelmingly they said that quality is deteriorating and sensationalism is replacing proper news judgment.

Naturally, management at the media outlets disagreed. Even the
Journal de Montréal’s George Kalogerakis says with a straight face that
they don’t sensationalize or exaggerate the news (full-disclosure
trivia: He hired me for my first job at The Gazette, then promptly left
the city editor position for a big-money offer at the Journal)

Patrick Lagacé, for his part, blames us, the readers.
He says that with the Internet giving us access to so many points of
view, we have no excuse not to be well informed about the news.