<p><strong>By Steve Ladurantaye</strong></p><p>Someone asked me if I had any guidelines for how I use Twitter, and I thought I could think of maybe five things that I believe to be true.</p><p>I’ve been on it for a few years now, and have made lots of mistakes. I’ve been boring, I’ve been funny, I’ve been not funny when I thought I was being funny, I’ve been argumentative, I’ve shared too much information, I’ve killed Gordon Lightfoot.</p>
READ MORE<p><img align="left" alt="" class="imagecache-medium inline-image" hspace="10" src="http://j-source.ca/sites/www.j-source.ca/files/imagecache/medium/images/AMI.PNG" title="" /></p>
READ MORE<p>The Toronto Star's radio room program is staying in-house after the union negotiated a 32 per cent pay cut for the interns. </p><p>"The hourly rate for the students working in the radio room will now be $17, down from about $25 in the old contract," the <a href="http://www.song.on.ca/files/SONG%20Sheet%20May%2021(1).pdf">union bulletin </a>said. "As well, vacation, overtime and holidays will be governed by the Employment Standards Act, rather than the contract. The students will, however, continue to have full union protection on matters of discipline, etc."</p>
READ MORE<p><strong>By Eric Mark Do</strong></p><p>John Stackhouse and John Cruickshank stood behind their publications' recent coverage of the Fords in an <u><a href="http://www.cbc.ca/metromorning/episodes/2013/05/27/standing-by-the-story/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">interview on CBC's Metro Morning</a></u> on Monday.</p>
READ MORE<p><em>See the <a href="http://j-source.ca/article/newsana-looking-community-interns-fall-term-unpaid">updated internship listing here</a>.</em></p><p>There’s simply too much content out there. Ask anyone, and they’ll probably tell you that they’re tired of sifting through it all to find the good stuff.</p><p>We certainly are.</p>
READ MORE<p><em>The Lance</em> will be cutting at least five staff positions and will reduce the salaries of remaining staff following a new budget approved by the University of Windsor Student Alliance last week.</p>
READ MORE<p><em>In an era when the Toronto Sun misspells "Correction" in a correction column, is there any hope for a revival of good copyediting?</em></p><p><strong><span style="font-size: 10px;">By Gin Sexsmith, for the<em> Ryerson Review of Journalism</em></span></strong></p>
READ MORE<p><em>The University of British Columbia’s Graduate School of Journalism offers a one-of-a-kind class on Reporting in Indigenous Communities.</em> <em>Developed in partnership with several B.C. Aboriginal communities, the course is designed to elevate Canada's not-so-great coverage of</em> <em>Aboriginal issues and focuses on a specific theme.
READ MORE<p><strong>By Joshua Rapp Learn</strong></p><p>An internship is often the golden ticket to scoring a job in journalism. But with media outlets, such as the Toronto Star and Sun News, laying off staff, are there still jobs to be had for interns? And will the unions allow that? Well, it ain’t quite what it used to be.</p>
READ MORE<p><strong>By Katharine Starr</strong></p><p>Responsibility is a word I was first taught by my parents.</p><p>At the time, it meant making my bed, delivering the newspapers on my neighbourhood paper route by a certain time and carrying through on promises I made to my friends and siblings. As I grew older, the definition expanded to include curfews, designated drivers, annual checkups and monthly payments.</p>
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