13 Feb

Hey, j-schools: Do your students a favour and teach them entrepreneurial skills

<p><em>Journalism schools aren't doing their students any favours by not teaching them how to be entrepreneurs in the field, according to <strong>Arik Ligeti</strong>, a third-year student at Carleton University. He explains how teaching students to create new ventures and sell themselves as freelancers will have a net benefit effect as more young people look to find work in non-traditional areas.</em></p><p> </p>

24 Jan

A hundred tweets a day keeps the sickness at bay

<p><em>How does a student journalism conference handle a norovirus outbreak? Through social media, of course. <strong>Emma Godmere</strong>, Canadian University Press national bureau chief, gives a first-person account of how she and her team used a myriad of digital tools to handle a situation that was unprecedented for them and what it was like as a journalist to become the subject of a national media story. </em></p><p> </p><p>I don’t think many of us had ever used “diarrhea” in a tweet before.</p>

17 Jan

Deadline approaching for EU-Canada Young Journalist Award

<p><span class="style5">The EU-Canada Young Journalist Award recognizes outstanding journalistic merit or potential among Canadian students. It aims to reinforce links between the people of the European Union and Canada, and to promote awareness of the European Union among a new generation of Canadian students and journalists. </span></p><p>For eligibility and application requirements, visit the <a href="">EU-Can YJA website.</a></p><p><span class="style5">The deadline to apply is <strong>January 27, 2012</strong>. </span></p>

16 Jan

Deadlines approaching for j-school applications

<p>By Steve Zhou</p><p>Deadlines are looming for anyone who wants to enrol in a graduate or undergraduate journalism program in Canada this year. Prospective students should be getting their portfolios and application packages ready, complete with reference letters from their professors.</p><p><strong><u>Graduate Programs</u></strong></p><p>Admission deadlines for <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">graduate journalism programs</a> in Canada are just around the corner.</p>

11 Jan

Looking back: 2011 trends in journalism education

<p><em>The Internet and social media are not only changing journalism, but the ways journalism is taught as well. From looking for sources on Twitter to aggregating stories to online portfolios, students are learning to be journalists in fresh and flexible new ways. Veteran reporter and online consultant <strong>A. Adam Glenn</strong> lists 2011’s top six trends in journalism education.</em></p><p> </p>

4 Jan

What it was like covering stories in Canada’s North: Three Ryerson students reflect

<p><em>Last summer, <strong>Marta Iwanek</strong>,<strong> Ashleigh Gaul </strong>and <strong>Samantha Anderson</strong> financed their own way to cover stories in the North for the Winter 2012 issue of the </em>Ryerson Review of Journalism<em>. Now, they’re reflecting on their time in Canada's north for J-Source. </em></p>

13 Dec

What journalism students brought to the coverage of the Occupy movement

<p>This fall, the global Occupy movement drew a lot of attention – and headlines – from the media. After a slow start, most covered the protesters and gave their critique about the movement with plenty of ink, pixels and screen time. But it was also an opportunity for student journalists to join in on the coverage, with the protests often happening just blocks away from campus — and possibly being more compelling than a late-night student council meeting.</p>

9 Dec

Tech guide: What every journalist should have

<p><em>Smartphone. Laptop. Voice recorder. Camera. Microphone. These are just some of the tools that come in handy (and are often necessary) for journalists. <strong>Lesley Salvadori</strong>, news media technical coordinator at Ryerson University’s School of Journalism, sent this tech guide out to students. Don’t have any of this stuff yet? Add it to your wishlist.</em></p><p>The world of journalism has changed greatly over the past few years.  With converging technologies journalists need to have access to all types of multimedia gear. </p>

1 Dec

Hi @potentialinterviewee, I’m a j-school student…

<p>The ubiquity of social media makes it easy to find celebrities, experts, other journalists, and all kinds of interesting, relevant people on Twitter. Does that mean it's okay to "tweet greet" them, requesting an interview for a story? Not necessarily, writes journalism professor <a href="!/collegemedia">Dan Reimold</a>.</p>

24 Nov

CJFE award-winning Yemeni journalist speaks to Ryerson students

<p><em><strong>Rhiannon Russell</strong> listened as Yemeni journalist, and the 2011 Canadian Journalists for Free Expression's International Press Freedom Award winner, Khaled al-Hammadi, spoke of his experiences reporting during the Arab Spring, and how he was kidnapped in 2005 over a story he published.</em></p><p> </p>