<p> </p><p><em>In a follow-up to our piece about <a href="http://j-source.ca/article/how-much-do-journalists-make">how much journalists earn</a> at a number of mainstream media companies, <strong>Nicole Cohen</strong> takes a look at wages for freelance journalists, for whom the picture is not so rosy. She explains how the money breaks down and what initiatives are being taken in a sector of the industry where wages have been stagnant since the 1980s. </em></p><p><strong>By Nicole Cohen</strong></p>
READ MORE<p><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; ">Journalism school: While it may be exciting, and your first taste of the adrenaline rush that comes with breaking a story, chasing a lead or landing that big interview, it can also be daunting. What are streeters and standups? Why are they important? How do you find the right source and get them to talk to you? And how the heck do you get a job when you’re done all of this?</span></p>
READ MORE<p>Are you ready for another school year? Get rid of summer’s mental dust bunnies, sharpen your virtual pencils and take J-Source’s third annual back-to-school J-Quiz (Hint: You can prepare by reading our handy guide to <a href="http://j-source.ca/article/end-summer-roundup-biggest-j-stories-you-might-have-missed">the summer’s biggest j-stories</a>, where all of the answers can be found.) </p>
READ MORE<p> </p><p>Back-to-school can be a time of mixed emotions for students. Whether you’re a first-year j-school student or a returning one, you’re not alone if you’re feeling excited, anxious, nervous and maybe a little afraid.</p>
READ MORE<p><em>Welcome to j-school, new students of 2012 — you need not fear under-preparedness. In an effort to help new students start off on the right foot, J-Source’s summer reporter and fourth-year Ryerson journalism student <strong>Angelina Irinici</strong> recalls the five things she wishes someone had told her before she started journalism school.</em></p><p><strong>1.</strong><strong>You’ll need thicker skin</strong></p>
READ MORE<p><em>“I’m in it to find the truth/hold power to account/tell peoples’ stories — not for the money” will surely be the answer you get if you ask a journalist why he or she is in the industry. But realistically, how much can a journalist expect to make throughout his or her career? <strong>Angelina Irinici</strong> and <strong>Belinda Alzner</strong> found the numbers for a number of mainstream media organizations. </em></p><p> </p>
READ MORE<p>It’s a problem that has resulted in violence and bloodshed: Indigenous people in Brazil who exercise their right to return to ancestral land are finding that the land has been used for farming for some time. Journalism students from the University of British Columbia traveled to Brazil to document the conflict between indigenous people and farmers that much of mainstream media has ignored until now.
READ MORE<p>"<a href="http://www.sunnewsnetwork.ca/sunnews/straighttalk/archives/2012/08/20120802-124614.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener">You're conscripted!</a>" read a Sun News Network post that was soliciting applicants for a number of job vacancies at the network.</p><p>In Sun News Network fashion, the posting blasted both the CBC and the Lamestream Media Party, but also picked a relatively new foe: journalism schools.</p>
READ MORE<p><strong style="font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 22.100000381469727px; ">By Melanie Coulson</strong></p><p style="margin: 14px 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-size: 13px; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 22.100000381469727px; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.871094); "><img alt="" class="imagecache-large inline-image" src="http://j-source.ca/sites/www.j-source.ca/files/imagecache/large/images/sun news cover letter.PNG" title="" /></p>
READ MORE<p>“Book your ticket out west,” says CBC Saskatchewan television and radio reporter Devin Heroux. “Come to the Prairies!”</p><p>Heroux isn’t promoting the Saskatchewan Roughriders or the province’s summer events like Craven Country Jamboree — he’s talking to all the journalists out there.</p><p>The job possibilities for journalists aren’t as bad as they’ve been made out to be — at least not in Saskatchewan. The economy is booming, advertising dollars are flowing and new outlets are popping up like spring flowers.</p>
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