“It was strange reading the recent Citizen column by Klaus Pohle (“Presumptions of Guilt,” Feb. 24), because I could swear the Carleton University media law professor was arguing against freedom of the press and the public’s right to know, and for suppression of government information. It’s hard to interpret his piece any other way,” wrote Ottawa lawyer Lynn Cohen in a response to Pohle’s column.

column called
the recent case of Colonel Russell Williams in
Trenton, Ont. “the latest example of trial by media.”

Cohen writes:

“Later in the article [Pohle] says: “(G)uilt is pronounced by judges or juries based on evidence presented in court, not the emotional speculation of the media, neighbours, community, social groups or even the police.” Clearly, by his criteria, Pohle would have us wait till the jury verdict is in before we know the most important details. That sounds familiar. Oh ya, the secret trials of Saudi Arabia and communist China!”

She adds:

“My worst fear when the Williams case broke was that the public would have to wait for the trial to learn some of the most important and interesting details. I was wrong. The Canadian media are improving.”