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28 Jul

Scott Stinson named Postmedia national sports columnist

<p><img align="left" alt="" class="imagecache-thumbnail inline-image" hspace="10" src=" Stinson_0.JPG" title="" /> <strong>By Tamara Baluja, Associate Editor</strong></p><p>Scott Stinson is the new national sports columnist for Postmedia Network.</p><p>Stinson, who currently covers news, arts and sports as a columnist for the <em>National Post</em>, will begin his new position on Aug. 18, senior vice-president of content Lou Clancy said in a memo.</p>

28 Jul

Media tweeting from courtroom impresses Nova Scotia top judge

<p><img alt="" class="imagecache-large inline-image" src=" homepage_0.JPG" title="" /></p><p style="text-align: center;"><em>Photo courtesy of Michelle-Andrea Girouard</em></p><p><strong>By Geordan Omand, for the Canadian Press</strong></p><div style="clear:none;"><p>A top judge in Nova Scotia says he is surprised at the positive impact live-tweeting inside the courtroom has had after the province’s judiciary recently relaxed the rules on the use of Twitter in the courts.</p>

28 Jul

Star public editor: Is Brampton Mayor Susan Fennell playing politics with the truth?

<p><img align="left" alt="" class="imagecache-thumbnail inline-image" hspace="10" src=" English_35.JPG" title="" /><strong>By Kathy English, public editor of <em>The Toronto Star</em></strong></p><div style="clear:none;"><p>Is Brampton Mayor Susan Fennell playing politics with the truth?</p>

28 Jul

How are Canadian news organizations protecting their sources online?

<p><strong>By Pierre Chauvin</strong></p><p>As the author of three books about the Mafia, <em>National Post </em>reporter Adrian Humphreys understands the importance of protecting confidential sources and how to go about doing so. He considers himself “a master of old-school security and protection.”</p><p>But it wasn’t until he was working on a feature about a former U.S. soldier seeking asylum in Canada, claiming he was tortured by the FBI, that Humphreys realized he wasn’t up to speed with how to protect his sources online.</p>

28 Jul

Globe public editor: Obituaries pay tribute to notable lives but often with errors difficult to avoid

<p><img align="left" alt="" class="imagecache-thumbnail inline-image" hspace="10" src=" Stead_24.JPG" title="" /> <strong>By Sylvia Stead, public editor of <em>The Globe and Mail</em></strong></p><p>Of all the pages in a newspaper, the obituary page is the most likely to be kept, framed and shared. To have an obituary in The Globe is a tribute to those who have lived notable lives, and the writers and editors hate to see a mistake mar that honour.</p>

28 Jul

Qu’est-ce qui pousse un journaliste vers le contenu marketing?

<p><em><img alt="" class="imagecache-medium-left inline-image" src=" Delaney_0.JPG" title="" /></em></p><p><em>Par Robert Delaney, vice-président et directeur de la rédaction de /newsroom et journaliste indépendant, correspondant notamment pour le Financial Times. Il a passé ses quatorze premières années de carrière en Asie, où il a, entre autres, travaillé au bureau de Bloomberg News à Pékin.</em></p>

25 Jul

Media go to court for access to Omar Khadr

<p><img alt="" class="imagecache-large inline-image" src=" Khadr_0.JPG" title="" /></p><p style="text-align: center;"><em>Image courtesy of Canadian Press</em></p><p><strong>By Tamara Baluja, Associate Editor</strong></p><p>The CBC, <em>Toronto Star</em> and documentary producer White Pine Pictures are taking the federal government to court to ask that Omar Khadr be allowed to be interviewed by the media.</p>

25 Jul

Cara Fullerton leaving Global Calgary

<p><img align="left" alt="" class="imagecache-thumbnail inline-image" hspace="10" src=" Fullerton_0.JPG" title="" /> <strong>By Tamara Baluja, Associate Editor </strong></p><p>Global Calgary anchor and reporter Cara Fullerton is leaving the broadcast industry after 14 years to pursue a career in health and fitness. </p>

25 Jul

CBC ombudsman: Kids can be seen and heard

<p><img align="left" alt="" class="imagecache-thumbnail inline-image" hspace="10" src=" Enkin_30.JPG" title="" /> <strong>By Esther Enkin, CBC ombudsman</strong></p>

24 Jul

Star reporter Rick Westhead joins TSN

<p><img align="left" alt="" class="imagecache-thumbnail inline-image" hspace="10" src=" Westhead_2.JPG" title="" /> <strong>By Tamara Baluja, Associate Editor</strong></p><p><em>Toronto Star</em>’s foreign affairs reporter Rick Westhead is leaving the newspaper to join TSN as the network’s senior correspondent.</p>