EVENT’s 20th Annual Creative Non-Fiction Contest

Three winners will each receive $500 plus payment for publication in Event 36/3. Other manuscripts may be published.

Final Judge: Keath Fraser
Keath Fraser’s memoir, The Voice Gallery: Travels with a Glass Throat, was published in 2002. He is editor of Bad Trips (Vintage) and Worst Journeys: The Picador Book of Travel. His novel Popular Anatomy won the 1995 Chapters/Books in Canada First Novel Award.

Writers are invited to submit manuscripts exploring the creative non-fiction form. Check your library for back issues of Event with previous winning entries and judges’ comments. Contest back issues are available from Event for $7.42 (includes GST and postage; US$7 for American residents; CAN$12 for overseas residents).

Note: Previously published material, or material accepted elsewhere for publication, cannot be considered. Maximum entry length is 5000 words, typed, double-spaced. The writer should not be identified on the entry. Include a separate cover sheet with the writer’s name, address, phone number / email, and the title(s) of the story (stories) enclosed. Include a SASE (Canadian postage / IRCs / US$1). Douglas College employees are not eligible to enter.

Entry Fee: Multiple entries are allowed, however, each entry must be accompanied by a $29.95 entry fee (includes GST and a one-year subscription; make cheque or international money order payable to Event). Those already subscribing will receive a one-year extension. American and overseas entrants please pay in US dollars.

Deadline for Entries: Postmarked by April 16, 2007.

Send entries to: Event
P.O. Box 2503
New Westminster, BC
Canada V3L 5B2

Phone: (604) 527-5293 Fax: (604) 527-5095
e-mail: event@douglas.bc.ca

Visit our website at http://www.douglas.bc.ca/visitors.html/event-magazine.html