5 Nov

A journalist’s guide to searching on Twitter

<p><strong>By Monique Beech, national community manager for Sun Media</strong></p><p>I had a request from a reporter recently asking me to help her find tweets sent out by a particular Twitter user on a specific day. Challenge accepted.</p>

24 Oct

2013 Joseph Howe Symposium features top investigative journalists

<p>Traditional investigative journalism has been under assault in North America. Sweeping cutbacks in newsroom budgets, the resulting layoffs and a shift to a 24-hour news cycle have made it harder to pay for the kind of in-depth work that is needed in a healthy democracy.</p><p>New ways of paying for and doing investigative work have tried to fill the gap. They are the focus of this weekend's Joseph Howe Symposium at the University of King's College in Halifax. Top investigative journalists will address the conference theme, Investigative Journalism: Why it still matters.</p>

24 Oct

Behind-the-scenes: How UBC journalism students uncovered the roots of global illegal logging

<p><strong>By Keith Rozendal</strong></p><p>We covered 29,000 kilometres in 11 days to get our story. Why? It’s on our course syllabus.</p>

23 Oct

Global investigative journalism conference draws record numbers

<p><strong>By Cecil Rosner, Investigative Journalism editor</strong></p><p>Journalists from nearly 90 countries traded stories and techniques at this year’s Global Investigative Journalism Conference, discussing everything from corruption scandals in Ukraine to an undercover expose of child murders in Ghana.</p>

22 Oct

Book Review: Gene Allen’s Making National News cements the influential but little-known role Canadian Press played as a significant cultural force

<p><img alt="" class="imagecache-medium-left inline-image" src=" National News_0.JPG" title="" />Gene Allen | <em>Making National News: A History of Canadian Press</em> | University of Toronto Press | Paperback: $34.95</p><p><strong>Reviewed by Catherine McKercher</strong></p>

27 Sep

Tech review: Editorially makes online editing and collaboration easier

<p><strong>By Paulina Ignacak for </strong><a href=""><strong>37<sup>th</sup> AVENUE</strong></a></p><p><img align="left" alt="" class="imagecache-medium inline-image" hspace="10" src="" title="" /></p><p>In the world of sticky notes, yelling over your computer screen and Google Docs comes a new way of sharing ideas with your newsroom buddies. Meet <a href="">Editorially</a>. </p>

13 Sep

Creative problem-solving key to Ryerson’s innovation workshop

<p><strong>By Joyce Smith </strong></p><p>It’s no surprise that I agree with Maija Saari’s <a href="">recent piece on innovation</a> on J-Source.</p>

3 Sep

Carl Bernstein to speak at international investigative journalism conference in Winnipeg

<p>The University of Winnipeg and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation are joining forces to organize an event in Winnipeg next June called: “Holding Power to Account: International Conference on Investigative Journalism, Democracy, and Human Rights.”</p><p>The CBC has a long tradition of creating important investigative journalism in Canada, and the University of Winnipeg has a special interest in fostering global citizenship and engagement in human rights. The conference will explore links between investigative journalism, democracy and international human rights.</p>

28 Aug

Centre of Media and Celebrity Studies launches in Canada

<p>Dismiss it all you like, but audiences have shown a deep desire for news about the entertainment world and celebrity gossip. Samita Nandy, a broadcast journalist with a PhD on fame from Australia's Curtin University, is the founding director of the new <a href="">Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies</a>. The centre is the first of its kind in Canada and is housed in Mississauga.</p><p><strong>J-Source: How will this centre be a resource for journalists?</strong></p>

27 Aug

Live blog: Everything you need to know about court reporting in real-time

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