Globe and Mail columnist Russell Smith
wants to know “if the CBC is desperately trying to make itself more
palatable to the majority Conservative government that may be coming
our way in October – a government that is already suspicious and
hostile to the broadcaster, and that holds its life in its hands.”
Smith writes, of course, of the CBC decision to pull Heather Mallick’s
column on Sarah Palin.

Great question.

Another question is asked by letter-writer Naeem Siddiqi in the Globe and Mail Oct. 1st. Siddiqi says he’s a Canadian
Muslim who has been lectured about the “freedom to offend … that all
Muslim-bashers have a God-given right to,” and cites the freedom of
expression claimed by champions of Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant. He asks:
“How come the same people who were beating up Mr. Steyn and Mr.
Levant’s critics are now failing to come to Heather Mallick’s defence?”

Another great question.

By the way, so far more than 73 per cent of J-Source readers who voted said  ‘No’ to our poll asking, “Do you think the CBC was right to retract Heather Mallick’s column?”