Kory Teneycke, spokesman for Tory leader Stephen Harper, on the non-role of journalists: it is not a candidates’ priority to speak to media — but rather to get elected.

Teneycke was quoted in the Globe and Mail in a story about how party officials whisked away B.C. Tory candidate Dona Cadman after a speech, away from waiting reporters. (“Cadman has said the party offered her dying husband, the late independent MP Chuck Cadman, a $1-million insurance policy for his vote in a crucial 2005 confidence vote,” noted the Globe.)

Here’s Teneycke’s quote:

“Local candidates’ priority is campaigning in their local ridings and not talking to the national media.” Added the Globe: when it was pointed out that local reporters were present, he said he
has not said it was their priority to speak to local media, either.

This does not bode well for the future — of our democracy, never mind voters trying to make up their minds by becoming informed.