Katie May, a digital copy editor with the Winnipeg Free Press, is the winner of the Greg Clark Award for early-career journalists. 

 Katie May, a digital copy editor with the Winnipeg Free Press, is the winner of the Greg Clark Award for early-career journalists. 

The Canadian Journalism Foundation award gives young journalists an opportunity to spend a week gaining insight on a specific issue or beat. May will spend a week at a birthing centre in Rankin Inlet, Nunavut  to observe how its particular approach might help solve the maternal health crisis among First Nations women in remote northern Manitoba.

“Delivering quality health care—and in many cases, receiving it—is no small task in Canada's remote, northern communities, places where birth rates and infant mortality rates are often much higher than the national average," May said in a press release. "I'm grateful for the chance to explore what that means for expectant mothers trying to access pre- and neonatal care and for birthing centre staff trying to provide it. I hope that this experience will help me become a better journalist by more fully understanding health needs far beyond the country's urban centres."

Prior to joining the Free Press, May worked as a crime reporter and photographer at The Lethbridge Herald and as a Beaufort-Delta bureau reporter and photographer with Northern News Services in Inuvik, N.T. She also won the Goff Penny award earlier this year.

She will receive the Canadian Journalism Foundation awards in Toronto on June 4.

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