Toronto Mayor Rob Ford apologized to Toronto Star reporter Daniel Dale during a city council meeting today, saying he did not mean to suggest Dale was a pedophile. But the reporter says Ford’s statement didn’t come close to being a sufficient apology and retraction, and he intends to continue with a libel lawsuit. 

In his statement, Ford blamed the insinuation on media who “ascribed” the word to his remarks.

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford apologized to Toronto Star reporter Daniel Dale during a city council meeting today, saying he did not mean to suggest Dale was a pedophile. But the reporter says Ford’s statement didn’t come close to being a sufficient apology and retraction, and he intends to continue with a libel lawsuit. 

In his statement, Ford blamed the insinuation on media who “ascribed” the word to his remarks.

“I certainly did not intend to suggest that he is a pedophile,” Ford said in council. “It is unfortunate that the word I did not say has been ascribed to me by the media but I wish to sincere apologize to Mr. Dale.”

Listen to the mayor’s apology, courtesy of Newstalk 1010:

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“I have no issue with Mr. Dale personally. I understand he’s an employee in a very competitive news business and must do as his superiors instruct him,” said Ford. “I do take issue with his bosses at the Toronto Star that put him and I in this situation.”

Dale was not in council chambers at the time of the apology, The National Post reported, but he tweeted he will pursue his libel suit against the mayor. Ford’s apology comes two days after the deadline to retract his comments had passed.

Read this Storify of Dale’s response, courtesy of the Toronto Star:


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