Georgie Binks won the PWAC award for best feature story for “Tough Love,” an investigative report on teen boot camps published in Readers Digest. Jackie Middleton’s health story in the Globe and Mail on how to “Unlock the Secrets of your Family Tree” won the short articles award. Peggy Berkowitz won the PWAC editor of the year award for her work in University Affairs.

Georgie Binks won the PWAC award for best feature story for “Tough Love,” an investigative report on teen boot camps published in Readers Digest. Jackie Middleton’s health story in the Globe and Mail on how to “Unlock the Secrets of your Family Tree” won the short articles award. Peggy Berkowitz won the PWAC editor of the year award for her work in University Affairs.

The rest of the winners according to the press release are:


Winner: Georgie Binks for "Tough Love" (Reader's Digest Canada)

Runner-Up: Beverly Akerman for "How to Become an e-book Sensation. Seriously" (The Globe and Mail)

Honourable Mentions: Mark Cardwell for "Privacy Law a Bomb Waiting to Go Off" (Canadian Lawyer Magazine); Jodi Di Menna for "Safety Haven" (Canadian Chemical News); Sandra Phinney for "The Dixon Road" (Saltscapes Magazine); Joe Wiebe for "The Craft of Brewing" (BC Business)

Short Articles

Winner: Jackie Middleton for "Unlock the Secrets of Your Family Tree" (Best Health Magazine)

Runner-Up: Katherine Low for "The Growing Problem" (Cottage Life)

Honourable Mentions: Ann Douglas for "Teen Brain Benefits Mindfulness Training" (The Toronto Star); Jackie Middleton for "Ten Secrets to a Hospital Stay" (Canadian Living); Roseanna Schick for "I Kissed Richard Branson" (Winnipeg Free Press); Melody Wren for "Everyday Eco Heroes" (CAA Magazine)

Editor of the Year

Winner: Peggy Berkowitz of University Affairs

Honourable Mentions: Allison Finnamore of Farm Credit Canada and AgriSuccess and Heather White of Saltscapes

2013 PWAC Member Awards

Honorary Lifetime Membership Award

Ann Douglas

Lawrence Jackson Outstanding Achievement Award

Bruce Wilson

Barbara Novak Writing Award for Excellence in Humour/Personal Essay Writing

Kelly Thompson, for "We are a (Military) Family" in Embedded on the Home Front: Where Military and Civilian Lives Converge, edited by Joan Dixon and Barb Howard.

And the complete list including regional volunteer award winners can be found here