Join a panel of leading Vancouver news media journalists in an engaging discussion on the future of online journalism and women's role in the evolution of media. 1 p.m. PST.
Panellists: Vancouver Sun deputy managing editor Adrienne Tanner, CBC's Theresa Lalonde, Vancouver Observer's editor-in-chief Linda Solomon and managing editor Jenny Uechi, public relations specialist Katharine Sawchuk
Moderator: Sacha DeVoretz
Join a panel of leading Vancouver news media journalists in an engaging discussion on the future of online journalism and women's role in the evolution of media. 1 p.m. PST.
Panellists: Vancouver Sun deputy managing editor Adrienne Tanner, CBC's Theresa Lalonde, Vancouver Observer's editor-in-chief Linda Solomon and managing editor Jenny Uechi, public relations specialist Katharine Sawchuk
Moderator: Sacha DeVoretz | |
77 Bloor St. West, Suite 600, Toronto, ON M5S 1M2 | |
(437) 783-5826 | |
Charitable Registration No. 132489212RR0001 |
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