In Canadian media:

On brand journalism vs. independent journalism


In Canadian media:

On brand journalism vs. independent journalism

Scott Gurvey, who once worked for America’s largest broadcasters, found himself a part of the freelance market after the 2008 economic crisis. He was surprised when he got an offer from Cisco Systems, a manufacturer of computer networking equipment to cover technology topics for the company’s new website. It is but an example of brand journalism, something that is becoming increasing popular. This in-depth feature by Ira Basen explains what brand journalism is, why it’s growing and the consequences and differences to regular journalism.

Criminologists look to journalist/source relationship in wanting to keep report from Magnotta trial

A number of criminologists have mentioned the issue of journalist/source relationship in their decision to want to keep clinical assessments from the court reports of a man who may or may not be Luka Magnotta. Klaus Pohle, who teaches media law in the School of Journalism and Communications at Carleton University weighs in and says that journalists don’t enjoy a blanket privilege when it comes to journalist/source relationships and criminologists should not either.

Tim Knight on CTV Olympics coverage

Veteran journalist Tim Knight shares his thoughts on CTV’s Olympics coverage, from the opening ceremonies to Brian Williams and Lisa LaFlamme’s hosting, Knight gives readers his five notes after watching the Games for five evenings in a row.


In international media:

Young journalist who fled Somalia hopes to return to start radio station

Abdulkarim Jimale is a sophomore at Marquette University in Wisconsin studying international relations and journalism. But how he ended up there is an unusual story: he worked as a journalist in Somali but fled the country when he was 18 after a childhood friend-turned-militia-fighter called and told him he had to leave the country, or he would be killed. Jimale’s journey took him to Kenya, the U.S. and a Michigan county jail after attemping to seek asylum in Canada. He was eventually granted asylum in the U.S. and after his studies, he hopes to return to Somalia to start a radio station.


Today’s read:

Have you been seeing more lobster for cheaper prices? It may not be a good thing —here’s why

Most years, this week is a big week for lobster harvesting in the Northumberland Strait, but an unusually large harvest in Maine has threatened that and coastal economy. Prices are driven so low that fishermen say they may lose money by going to work to trap lobster.