Rob Washburn and Wayne MacPhail give two takes on The Guardian’s open journalism approach in comparison to Canadian newspapers. Washburn says that Canadian publications have failed to capitalize on the strengths of online in the way The Guardian has, while MacPhail simply says he is giving up newspapers. 


Rob Washburn and Wayne MacPhail give two takes on The Guardian’s open journalism approach in comparison to Canadian newspapers. Washburn says that Canadian publications have failed to capitalize on the strengths of online in the way The Guardian has, while MacPhail simply says he is giving up newspapers. 


Canadian newspapers certainly display innovation, says Rob Washburn, but not to the degree that The Guardian has exemplified with its newly-launched open journalism approach. Its collaborative approach to online news was demonstrated in an ad that depicted a twist in the story of the Three Little Pigs that was uncovered through open journalism techniques. He says it's hard to imagine a Canadian newsroom taking on a story with the same approach that The Guardian used for its MP expenses story, for instance. 

Wayne MacPhail has simply given up newspapers. Well, except for The Guardian. That's one of the only papers he would put his money on. 

Check out these two takes on The Guardian's open journalism approach in comparison to other newspapers and how they can do collaborative online news better.

