The University of Windsor invites applications for a two-year limited term appointment in the Department of Communication, Media and Film in the area of new media and digital culture at the rank of Assistant Professor commencing July 1, 2012. This position is subject to final budgetary approval.

The University of Windsor invites applications for a two-year limited term appointment in the Department of Communication, Media and Film in the area of new media and digital culture at the rank of Assistant Professor commencing July 1, 2012. This position is subject to final budgetary approval.

The Department of Communication, Media and Film (CMF) offers a General BA program, an Honours BA program in Communication, Media and Film and Combined Honours BA programs in CMF and Visual Arts, CMF and Dramatic Arts and CMF and Digital Journalism. The Department also offers an MA in Communication and Social Justice. For further details, visit our website at

The ideal applicant will possess a PhD in Communication/Media Studies at the time of appointment. Applicants must show evidence or promise of excellence in research and teaching.

We seek candidates with expertise in new media theory including the historical, critical cultural, social assessment of new media production and consumption processes. Candidates will have competencies in new media applications (i.e. Web 2.0, social networking, podcasting, etc.) and will be able to facilitate practice-based, experiential learning with the goal of advancing positive social change. Applicants should be prepared to teach courses at all levels—including first year introductory courses in communication studies and courses in critical communication/cultural theory – and assist in the development of core courses in the area of new/social media and digital culture.

Applications will include: a letter of application, including a statement of citizenship/immigration status; a current curriculum vitae; a statement of current research interests and plans for future research activity; a statement of teaching philosophy, a teaching dossier with evidence of teaching effectiveness that might include current and sample course outlines, and any other evidence of teaching excellence (i.e. teaching evaluations, awards) PhD transcripts if a recent or pending graduate and; three current letters of reference forwarded directly to the department by academic referees most familiar with the applicant’s qualifications.

To ensure full consideration, complete applications and letters of reference should be submitted by February 17, 2012 to:
Dr. Valerie Scatamburlo-D’Annibale, Acting Head
Department of Communication, Media and Film
University of Windsor, 401 Sunset Avenue, Windsor, ON N9B 3P4
Phone: 519-253-3000, Ext. 2896; Email: